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14 Best Indoor Plants For Air Purification At Home

Ever wonder about the air you breathe at home? If you haven’t, here’s news for you. The air you breathe at home can seriously affect your health. You could be prone to illness, headaches, and allergies if your house isn’t properly ventilated or if you use harmful chemicals in your household cleaning products.

But there is a way to get out of this suffocation. Plants have the power to improve air quality around you.


In fact, a research done by NASA says that plants have the potential to neutralize the effects from chemicals released by furniture, cleaning products, varnishes, and other products.1 The study was initially done to find ways to improve air quality in spaceships.

Here are a few plants that will brighten up your house and improve the air you breathe.


1. English Ivy

This popular plant has been found to reduce particles of airborne fecal-matter. They are helpful to reduce toxins like benzene, formaldehyde (found in household cleaning products), xylene, and toluene. The plant makes your airways to relax and helps reduce colds, coughs, and asthma. Another research claims that this climbing vine can substantially reduce the growth of mold in your house.


Do keep in mind the berries and leaves aren’t safe for consumption. Keep it away from the reach of children and pets.

2. Aloe Vera


No surprise here – aloe vera is well known for it’s health benefits. Besides being known for their wound-healing powers, they have been found to reduce inflammation and remove toxins like formaldehyde and benzene (found in plastics and detergents). The plant is great to purify the air, treat burns, and is even good for the skin and hair. That’s an impressive score!

3. Snake Plant


The snake plant is useful to remove toxins like benzene, formaldehyde, and xylene. They are quite easy to maintain since it requires minimal watering. These plants prefer drier conditions and a little sun. Another tidbit is that the plant is interestingly nicknamed as “mother-in-law’s tongue.”

4. Chrysanthemum


Besides brightening up a room, the chrysanthemum is useful to combat pollutants like benzene and toxins released from detergents and paint. Known as “garden mum,” this particular plant is also known to remove ammonia from indoor air.

These bright fellows love the sun. Keep them out in direct sunlight spots.


5. Spider Plant

If you are new to the whole idea of growing plants, spider plant is a good way to start. They are the easiest to grow and require indirect sunlight. They help to remove formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, and xylene. You could place them in garages and sheds since they help to remove pollutants from vehicle exhausts.

An interesting fact is that you can cut off a tiny section of the plant, pot them, and they would grow into individual plants themselves.

6. Gerbera Daisy

This bright plant is great at battling trichloroethylene, a chemical released from dry cleaning, varnishes, and adhesives. You could have them in your laundry room or bedrooms. Place them in well-drained soils and in direct sunlight.

7. Red-Edged Dracaena

Though there are around 40 types of the dracaena plant, the one with the reddish outline is what you need in your life. They are helpful to remove toxins like formaldehyde, xylene, and trichloroethylene. They might be slow to grow but they can grow up to 15ft tall.

8. Bamboo Palm

One of the most popular household plants is the bamboo palm. This attractive fellow loves shady areas and is great at filtering out benzene and trichloroethylene. They can get pretty big, so place them in wide unused areas, maybe near furniture.

9. Boston Fern

With its pretty leaves and decorative appearance, the Boston fern is known to act as a natural air purifier. They help restore moisture back into the air and go after chemicals like formaldehyde and trichloroethylene. They thrive under bright light, high humidity, and damp soil.

10. Weeping Fig

The ficus is a very popular houseplant. According to NASA, the weeping fig filters out pollutants like formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene. Since it’s a low-maintenance plant, you could grow it in indirect sunlight.

11. Chinese Evergreen

The Chinese evergreen is an easy and low-maintenance plant. They are known to emit high amounts of oxygen, and filter out the air by removing toxins like formaldehyde and benzene. They love indirect sunlight and humid air.

12. Golden Pothos

The golden pothos is regarded highly effective at purifying the air. Nicknamed “money plant,” they are great at removing carbon monoxide and bringing up the quality of the air you breathe. They need a little sun and less watering. The plant is toxic for consumption, keep it away from the reach of pets and children.

13. Azalea

The azalea is not just a pretty flower. They take on toxins like formaldehyde leaked from plywood and varnishes. They bloom in warm climates and like shady areas. There are about 10,000 varieties to choose from!

14. Rubber Plant

The rubber plant would make a great addition to your house. They improve the air quality by taking on carbon dioxide, bacteria, and mold. They are especially tough on formaldehyde. The low-maintenance rubber plant is tolerant to dim lights and can also survive with occasional watering.


1 Wolverton, Bill C., Anne Johnson, and Keith Bounds. “Interior landscape plants for indoor air pollution abatement.” (1989).
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