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Are You Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar The Right Way?

Apple cider vinegar has gained quite a following over recent years. It’s almost vital that every kitchen has a bottle, preferably an organic one with “the mother.”

This popular natural remedy has been found to detoxify the body, treat heartburn, balance your pH level, and lower blood pressure. Some people have also found apple cider vinegar to be useful as a skin toner and to treat sunburn. It’s most known benefit is that it can improve your metabolism and weight loss.12


But, with a lot of information floating around, people can get a little misguided when it comes to the right way to drink apple cider vinegar.

1. Taking Shots Is A Bad Idea


We know you probably heard taking apple cider vinegar shots is the way to go. But it’s one of the worst things to do. While ACV is just 5% acidic, it’s extremely acidic for your body to take. It could seriously burn your throat, esophagus, or anything on the way down. The acidity could also harm your tooth’s enamel, eventually leading to tooth decay, cavities, and sensitivity.

2. Always Dilute It With Water


The right way to drink apple cider vinegar is to dilute it with water. This should take care of the acidity. If you find the taste not working for you, mix a few drops of honey for a little sweetness. For a safer option to prevent dental damage, drink it with a straw.

3. Do Not Drink It First Thing In The Morning


When your body is just waking up from a slumber, remember, your stomach has been empty for hours. Taking apple cider vinegar can be harsh on a post-slumber empty stomach. It can make you feel queasy and maybe bloated for a little time.

4. Drink It Before A Meal


Several studies have revealed drinking apple cider vinegar works best before a meal. It helps lower blood sugar levels even after a heavy meal.3 Another great benefit of drinking it before a meal is that it improves digestion. Apple cider vinegar acts like a prebiotic, which is essential for healthy bacteria in your gut. This makes it behave like a natural laxative.

5. Do Not Drink More Than Required


Experts suggest not drinking more than 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar a day, especially if you are completely new to it. Some people have been suggested to increase the dosage slowly as your body gets used to it. But, keep in mind, an increase in dosage doesn’t increase the benefits you get out of apple cider vinegar.

While it is a highly recommended way to treat your common health issues, be cautious. If you feel anything out of the ordinary, stop it immediately and check with your doctor. The same applies if you are keen on taking more apple cider vinegar a day.



1 Kondo, Tomoo, Mikiya Kishi, Takashi Fushimi, Shinobu Ugajin, and Takayuki Kaga. “Vinegar intake reduces body weight, body fat mass, and serum triglyceride levels in obese Japanese subjects.” Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry 73, no. 8 (2009): 1837-1843.
2 Fushimi, Takashi, Kazuhito Suruga, Yoshifumi Oshima, Momoko Fukiharu, Yoshinori Tsukamoto, and Toshinao Goda. “Dietary acetic acid reduces serum cholesterol and triacylglycerols in rats fed a cholesterol-rich diet.” British Journal of Nutrition 95, no. 5 (2006): 916-924.
3 Johnston, Carol S., and Amanda J. Buller. “Vinegar and peanut products as complementary foods to reduce postprandial glycemia.” Journal of the American Dietetic Association 105, no. 12 (2005): 1939-1942.
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