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These foods can keep you feeling energetic all day

9 Foods That Energize You Throughout The Day

The food you eat plays a huge role in how the rest of your day pans out. If you feel unmotivated and sluggish at...

Are Baked Potatoes Good For You?

Potatoes are a fat-free, carbohydrate-rich snack that can fill you up. Baked potatoes are a great way to get your fix of the vegetable, though they may have a few more calories than boiled potatoes. The resistant starch in a baked potato (boosted if you have it cooled) is great for colon health and may even help lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the body. Plus, each baked potato packs in 3.8 gm of fiber so it can keep you feeling nice and full. It also has about half the daily recommended intake of vitamin B6 and significant levels of potassium and magnesium.
How t banish meat cravings without meat

7 Strategies To Beat Meat Cravings Without Meat

Going vegan is a great decision for your health and for the health of the planet. However, sometimes you just need a big juicy...

Food Poisoning During Pregnancy: What To Do?

Getting food poisoning while pregnant can be really scary. It can be especially harmful to the unborn baby, so it's important to seek medical help. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, fever, and chills. You may be given pregnancy-safe antibiotics, but be sure to stay hydrated. To prevent future outbreaks, avoid eating uncooked, raw meat like sushi. Always wash your hands, store food properly, and stay clean.
health benefits of sweet potatoes

10 Health Benefits Of Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes pack a nutritional punch and come loaded with vitamins, minerals, and fiber. All of its parts serve our well-being and fight disease by keeping cancer at bay, helping manage diabetes, boosting immunity and guarding prostate health. They are a heart and waist-friendly vegetable, improve our skin and even protect our peepers.

6 Ways To Sneak More Nutritious Veggies In Your Diet

Americans don't eat enough vegetables on a daily basis. This can lead to various types of deficiency diseases. There are interesting ways to ensure that your diet is filled with lots of veggies. These include adding them to garnishes, dips, pestos, guacamole and baked goodies like pies and tarts, Grain-free noodles can also be made from vegetables which are perfect for people with gluten intolerance.
health benefits of black radish

9 Health Benefits Of Black Radish: The New Black On The Block

Black radish is a root vegetable with a black skin and white flesh. Incorporate black radish in your diet to treat cough, detoxify your blood and liver, regulate blood pressure, and prevent constipation. Black radish is also believed to aid weight loss and reduce cholesterol levels. It's also believed that black radish has the potential to prevent cancer.

6 Natural And Effective Home Remedies For Thicker Hair

These home remedies can help you get thicker, healthier hair. They include eggs, fenugreek, coconut oil, avocado, and olive oil. These ingredients contain protein which can strengthen the hair as well as fats which can moisturize the strands. Keeping the scalp moisturized keeps it healthy and able to promote more growth. This reduces breakage as well. It also helps to eat protein-rich foods like eggs, tofu, lentils, and lean meats.

6 Immunity-Boosting Foods To Eat To Fight Off That Nasty Cold

Garlic contains allicin, a compound that has magical flu-fighting antimicrobial properties while the sesquiterpenes in ginger fight off common cold-causing rhinoviruses. Leafy greens and wild salmon boost your immunity with a healthy dose of vitamin C and vitamin D respectively. Honey, being antioxidant and antimicrobial in nature, alleviates cold symptoms while chicken soup is not just anti-inflammatory but also aides in the release of mucus secretions.

8 Natural Superfoods That Heal Your Gut

Adding these superfoods to your diet will ensure that your gut is healthy. Some such beneficial foods are bone broth, probiotics like yogurt and kefir, garlic, fatty fish and stock, coconut oil, green leafy vegetables, ginger, and wheatgrass. Such foods treat digestive issues, soothe the gut, and have an antimicrobial effect on the pathogenic bacteria that invade the gut system.

21-Day Turmeric Challenge: How To Boost Your Overall Health

As an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant spice, turmeric can seriously upgrade your diet. Use it to make drinks like tea, smoothies, lattes, coffee, and lemonade. Turmeric-based sauces like hummus, mustard, and dressings can also replace bottled condiments. Toss it with rice, quinoa, eggs, or tofu. When baking veggies like kale chips or sweet potato fries, spice it up with turmeric. You’ll soon find that eating turmeric every day doesn’t have to be boring.

10 Ways Savoy Cabbage Will Give Your Health A Boost

Looking for a superfood that scores high in nutritional value and is light on your gut? Look no further than savoy cabbage. Grown mainly in winters, this curly, loose-layered vegetable is free of fats, cholesterol, and rich in a number of important vitamins and nutrients. Savoy cabbage is an extremely beneficial addition to your diet as it boosts your heart and brain health, reduces muscle soreness, protects the skin, detoxes the body, and improves overall immunity.

Here’s How A Niacin Flush Might Detoxify Your Body

Flushing is a common side effect of eating niacin-rich foods or taking niacin supplements for high cholesterol. The redness, warmth, and tingling can easily look like an allergic reaction. It gets a bad reputation, but according to some research, it may support detoxification. However, that doesn’t mean high doses are always safe. It increases the risk for liver damage and stomach ulcers, so don’t take niacin without consulting a doctor. Water, moringa, and chlorophyll can be taken to safely detox.

7 Ways To Add More Veggies To Your Diet

Everyone loves to indulge themselves with mashed potatoes, cream, some pasta, or roasted red meat. But, such cravings for starchy carbs can cost you as these foods are high in calories and low in fiber content. Carbohydrates are a healthy option when consumed moderately. However, swapping starchy carbs for some fresh vegetables can balance your diet and aid your weight-loss efforts. Be creative with your veggies dishes by adding a variety of other ingredients.

7 Natural Immunity Boosters That Will Protect Your Body

With the right foods, it’s possible to protect your immune system everyday. Start by eating turmeric and garlic to enhance immune cell function. Ashwagandha, an adaptogenic herb, protects the body from the harmful effects of stress. For powerful antioxidant properties, consume green tea and ginseng. Medicinal mushrooms like cordyceps and reishi will fight inflammation, oxidative stress, and infection, all while reducing the risk for obesity. At a healthy weight, the immune system will be able to flourish.