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Why Role Playing Is Great For Your Relationship?

Sexual intimacy is a fantastic way to add spice our love life. However, anything for too long even if that includes action in between the sheets can get too mundane after a while. That’s when we need variety! The brain is the most imaginative and sexual organ in the body and it loves to be surprised. Many couples in long-term relationships experience that their sexual activity levels descend with each passing year. Many blame the kids while many others blame increased stress at work for their dormant sex lives.1

As a matter of fact, largely it’s due to a lack of combined interest and zest to have quality time together that leads to this issue. Many start fantasizing about spicing things up in the bedroom through BDSM, role play or sex toys but they feel inhibited from discussing with their significant other for fear of rejection.


Researchers have proven that making things interesting in a relationship is indeed crucial to its health and this includes activities like role playing.

3 Reasons Why Your Relationship Needs Some Role Play

Role playing isn’t the pleasure of sinners and weirdos. It’s a positive way to revive your relationship with your better half while reinforcing your connection with each other. Studies have found that couples who engaged in role playing have fulfilling relationships.2


1. Role Playing Fortifies Trust In The Relationship

Trust plays a key role in relationship dynamics. When you are comfortable and vulnerable with your partner, you can bare your soul. Sometimes, it doesn’t have to be depressing scenarios that you share with your partner it can also include your wildest fantasies and fetishes.


In a relationship with mutual admiration and respect for each other, self-expression is accepted and validated wholeheartedly. While you indulge in role-playing with your partner, you get to push boundaries and find new ways to pleasure your partner and yourself. This paves way for a renewed trust which eventually strengthens your relationship.

2. Role Play Paves Way For Exciting Conversations


Only when you know yourself the best will you be able to communicate your needs, likes, and dislikes. Sexual awareness is also an important part of your enlightenment as a being. Couples who express themselves vocally about their desires with each other have healthier relationships than couples who don’t.

Once you understand what your desires are with clarity, you can express it with your mate. In a solid relationship, communication should be organic and uninhibited. When your partner also volunteers with you to perform roleplaying together,  it not only boosts your morale as an individual but re-energizes you as a couple. A couple that laughs together stays together


3. Role Play Can Bring Back The Spark In Your Relationship

The first few months of dating is exhilarating for any couple as there is a certain newness to everything. Down the lane after many years of togetherness, predictability can encroach into the relationship and make things really boring.


Studies have proven that couples in long-term relationships who indulged in shared leisure time experienced a greater degree of satisfaction between each other. Role playing just like any sport you both love but it can shake things up better for you and make your relationship rekindle the lost sparks.

Ultimately, each relationship requires different forms of nourishment. Don’t ever judge yourself for thinking that you would want role playing, sex toys or any other form of kinkiness in your relationship. There’s nothing wrong in expressing it your partner and if you are on the listening end, be accommodative. You never know, a dash of adventure would bring a world of change to your relationship and breathe new life into it!



1 Twenge, Jean M., Ryne A. Sherman, and Brooke E. Wells. “Declines in Sexual Frequency among American Adults, 1989–2014.” Archives of Sexual Behavior (2017): 1-13.
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