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What is Ayurveda – An Introduction to Ayurveda

What is Ayurveda - An Introduction to Ayurveda

What is Ayurveda - An Introduction to Ayurveda

What do dry skin, cracking joints, anxiety and constipation have in common? And what do acid indigestion, competitiveness, anger, diarrhea and some eye conditions show? From a western medical view, these conditions seem completely unrelated. In fact it is not unusual for each of us to have a number of physical and emotional twinges we experience routinely. The most common include:

Most of these symptoms aren’t considered particularly serious in Western medicine. You might mention them to your doctor, take some over-the-counter drugs, drink some herbal tea or then again, you may not even think to talk about them because there’s nothing “wrong”. Not so in ayurveda. Ayurveda recognizes all of these as symptoms of imbalance that, if left unchecked, may become more serious and eventually lead to disease.


So what can you do?

With my help, you’ll begin to see the connections between seemingly unrelated signs and symptoms and the underlying causes of imbalance. Once identified, sometimes just a few simple changes in the foods we eat or our daily habits can get rid of these symptoms. Not all are easily or quickly fixed but it’s surprising what can happen when you start on the path to balance. Are you looking for better alternatives than powerful hormones, drugs and other invasive techniques. More and more people are turning to Ayurveda as, like you, they are no longer willing to blindly medicate symptoms without first diagnosing and treating the cause of their disease!


How Does it Work?

Just as everyone has a unique fingerprint, each person has a distinct constitution—a specific combination of physical, mental and emotional characteristics. There are three basic constitutions present in every person called dosha’s. Remember we are all a combination of all three dosha’s, but we will have one or more dosha’s dominate. See which one’s resonate with you!


Vata Dosha— these people tend to be thin, light, creative, playful, inspired, energetic, enthusiastic, fun, light-hearted, and bubbly…Vata people have lots of friends, and they like change.

Pitta people — are ambitious, passionate, and intense people. they make good leaders and excellent managers. They are organized, goal-oriented and self-confident. Other Pitta virtues include, intelligence, courage, bravery. Pitta types are focused, perceptive, warm, friendly, disciplined, and good speakers.


Kapha people— tend to be steady, loving, nurturing, easy-going, sweet, calm, compassionate, gentle. When in balance, Kapha folks dislike rocking the boat. They are the peacemakers and the lovers! These are the folks we go to for a huge hug!

Everyone has all three dosha’s, but most have one or two predominate. Many things can disturb the balance of the dosha’s, such as stress, unhealthy diet, weather and strained relationships. The disturbance or imbalance if not treated can show up as disease. It is my role as your practitioner to help you bring the imbalanced dosha back into balance.


Common Vata Disorders of the Body

​​Common Pitta Disorders of the Body


Common Kapha Disorders of the Body

The whole aim of Ayurveda is to balance the dosha’s to restore health and vitality


Life Changing Benefits.  – Many people find when they adopt an Ayurvedic lifestyle, health problems disappear, energy levels rise, sleep improves, and weight usually balances itself out without the need for dieting.

Questions?  Ask me!!

For a free consultation with Kerry Tombs-Harling, click here. Consultation is absolutely FREE.

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