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What Should Every Woman Know About A Man’s Urological Health?

Most men’s health concerns focus on areas like the heart, but it’s just as important for men to take care of what’s going on a little farther south. In males, the urinary tract and reproductive organs are susceptible to various problems and diseases, including erectile dysfunction, infertility, and prostate enlargement or cancer. These urological conditions can often affect more than just the man himself, particularly in cases of infertility. Here are a few major problems that every man (and woman) should be aware of:

Symptoms and Causes for Major Urological Problems in Men

Erectile Dysfunction

Let’s face it, this is a bummer for any man, not to mention his significant other. And while erectile dysfunction is more common in older men, it can affect men of all ages.1



The inability to achieve and maintain an erection during sexual intercourse.2


Erectile dysfunction may result from one or more physical, psychological, or lifestyle factors, including:


Enlarged Prostate

The prostate can become enlarged when cells in the area gradually multiply. Growth in prostate size places pressure on the urethra and causes lower urinary tract symptoms. This can eventually result in long-term complications such as Acute Urinary Retention [AUR] or even require surgery in serious cases.34


Prostate enlargement may be the most common health problem in men older than 60. For most men, a frequent need and urgency to urinate may be the first sign of an enlarged prostate. Other symptoms may include difficulty starting urination, a weak or slow urinary stream, urine leakage, and a continual feeling that the bladder has not completely emptied.



The actual cause of prostate enlargement is unknown. But, most experts agree that it is linked to hormonal changes that occur as a man gets older.

If your loved one is suffering from this urological condition, encourage him to seek medical care. Also, advise him to make some important lifestyle changes, like limiting his caffeine and alcohol intake and exercising regularly — these may help improve his symptoms.


Prostate Cancer

This is the most common cancer among men and is the second-leading cause of death from cancer in men (after lung cancer). Often a very slow-progressing disease, prostate cancer begins when cancer cells in the gland start to grow uncontrollably.5


Early on, prostate cancer usually has no clear symptoms. In its advanced stages, it may cause symptoms including difficulty urinating, decreased force in the stream of urine, blood in the semen, discomfort in the pelvic area, bone pain, and erectile dysfunction.



The exact causes of prostate cancer are unknown, although several factors might affect a man’s risk of getting prostate cancer. These include:6

Male Infertility

It refers to a male’s inability to cause pregnancy in a fertile female. If the number of sperm a man ejaculates is low or if the sperm quality is poor, it will be difficult, and sometimes impossible, for him to cause a pregnancy.7



For about one in five infertile couples, the problem solely lies in the male partner. In most cases, there are no obvious symptoms of infertility. Medical tests are needed to find out if a man is sterile.


Infertility can be caused by a hypothalamic, pituitary, or gonad disorder, or certain unknown factors.


Men who have regular or recurring sexual problems that interfere with his and/or his partner’s enjoyment of sexual activity should speak to their healthcare provider. A primary care physician can provide an initial assessment and treatment for some urological problems.

As you can see, it’s important for men to maintain good urological health, especially as they age. Women can be great support systems to the men in their lives by encouraging them to eat healthy, stay active, and be aware of any potential problems.


1 Braun, Moritz, Gernot Wassmer, Theodor Klotz, Barbara Reifenrath, M. Mathers, and Udo Engelmann. “Epidemiology of erectile dysfunction: results of the ‘Cologne Male Survey’.” International journal of impotence research 12, no. 6 (2000): 305-311.
2 What Is Erectile Dysfunction?, Urology Care Foundation, The Official Foundation Of The American Urological Association.
3 Enlarged Prostate, NIH, U.S. National Library Of Medicine.
4 Naslund, Michael J., and Martin Miner. “A review of the clinical efficacy and safety of 5α-reductase inhibitors for the enlarged prostate.” Clinical therapeutics 29, no. 1 (2007): 17-25.
5 Prostate Cancer, American Cancer Society.
6 Prostate Cancer Risk Factors, American Cancer Society.
7 Australia, Andrology. “Male infertility.” (2011).
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