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7 Ways To Take Care Of Your Premature Baby At Home

Taking care of premature baby: 7 Ways To Take Care Of Your Premature Baby At Home

Premature baby: 7 Ways To Take Care Of Your Premature Baby At Home

Babies born before 36 weeks of gestation are known as premature babies. Being born earlier than they should takes a toll on their development. Their organs are not fully formed and their immune system is very weak. They need special care and attention during the first few months of their life. They will be under the supervision of doctors and nurses in the hospital, but when you bring them home, it gets quite difficult. It is a lot more challenging than taking care of full-term babies. You have to be extremely cautious and should protect them from all the harm that can come to them. Here are a few tips on how you can take care of your premature baby.


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1. Listen To The Pediatrician


Do not listen to your friends, family, or neighbors, when it comes to taking care of your premature baby. You should only listen to your pediatrician’s advice. Your little one is extremely delicate, and the pediatrician will have experience taking care of such babies. Learn how to hold and feed it in the presence of a medical professional.

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2. Ensure Proper Nutrition

The only way your premature baby will be able to grow and develop efficiently is through proper nutrition. You should feed your little one only breast milk as it contains all the nutrients essential for its development. You should express your milk, and store it if you are not available to feed it from your breasts all the time. Do not supplement breast milk with cow’s milk or baby formula. They will harm your little one instead of benefitting it.


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3. Keep The Environment Germ Free


Since babies develop immunity during the last three months of pregnancy, your delicate little one’s immune system is very weak. It will not be able to handle infections. You have to ensure its environment is free from germs at all costs. Clean its room with disinfectants before you keep it there, and do not allow visitors in there. Its room should be a sterile place until it gets stronger.

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4. Keep The Baby Warm

Your baby will not be developed enough to make itself warm. You need to hold it close to your body to provide it with the warmth it needs to grow well. Keeping it close to your breasts will allow it to hear your heartbeat, which will soothe it.


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5. Check For Complications

Your little one has high chances of developing complications after birth because it did not develop fully in the womb. Constantly check for signs such as difficulty breathing, low body temperature, decreased activity, vomiting, and convulsions. Get in touch with your pediatrician immediately if you notice any of these signs. Don’t wait for it to get better on its own.

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6. Spend Time With Your Baby

There is no greater joy than taking care of your baby and watching it grow and be strong. Spend as much time as possible with it. You will be able to provide it with a sense of security and will be able to bond with it. You will feel satisfied later knowing that you were there for your beloved when it needed you the most.

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7. Go For Regular Check Ups

Constantly being in contact with the pediatrician and going for regular check ups will give you a clear idea about your little one’s health. You will be able to check if it has any disorders and take the necessary steps to treat them. Consult your pediatrician regarding the frequency of the check ups and don’t forget to follow up with them.

Being a mother is extremely difficult during the first few days of birth, especially if your baby is born premature. Do not neglect your own health and try to do everything on your own. You should get your partner fully involved in the parenting process. You will also need to recover well. If you are healthy, you will be able to do a better job at taking care of your little one.

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