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3 Ways On How You Can Help Your Dog And Its Health

Ayurveda is considered by many as the oldest holistic healing system and it helps us to achieve a balance in our lives. Besides making all the difference to your body, mind, and spirit, this natural healing practice coupled with a healthy lifestyle can make a significant difference in your fur baby’s life too!

1. How Is Ayurveda Important For Your Pet


According to ayurveda, there are five major elements in nature (space, air, fire, water, and earth), which combines to form principle energies called “doshas.” The ayurvedic approach is based on the fact that no matter what kind of dog you own, each pet has a unique constitution of energies within his or her body. The best way to prevent an illness would be to achieve a balanced constitution of these energies, which is what ayurveda aims to do. Your pet’s body constitution is a balance of 3 vital energies known as tridosha. The tridosha or 3 doshas are vata, pitta, and kapha that represent the 3 primal metabolic tendencies of your furry friend. Your dog usually embodies one dosha or a combination of 2 or 3 doshas to varying degrees.1

2. How Can You Balance Your Dog’s Doshas


Just like you, your furry friend can massively benefit from adopting an Ayurvedic approach to food and daily lifestyle. Once you determine which of your dog’s doshas are imbalanced, you can take a few important steps to bring them back in to balance.

Balancing The Vata Dosha


For starters, favor moist and warm food. You can even choose such an environment for your fur buddy. A good massage can always help your pet relax and unwind. Ensure that you look out for deep, audible breathing patterns when you’re giving the massage. Communicate in a calm manner at all times and make sure that these steps are consistent with your pet’s daily routine.2

Balancing The Pitta Dosha


A cool environment along with food can do wonders for your pet. Help your dog to engage in activities that help him or her cool down, such as swimming or playing in the snow. You can also practice non-aggressive and mentally stimulating games like fetch with your dog. Most importantly, make some time everyday when you can meditate and have a peaceful time with your pet.3

Balancing The Kapha Dosha


Choose light and energizing foods for your beloved canine companion. Avoid heavy and fatty foods at all costs! You could designate a comfortable space for your pet where he or she feels safe at all times. A bed, a crate, or even a corner will do. Remember to practice invigorating exercises every day.4

3. How Else Can You Help Your Pet


Now that we’ve dealt with the specifics of balancing each dosha, there’s plenty more that you can do to ensure your dog’s good health and overall well-being. The most important thing is that your dog should have a raw diet. Dry food, being dry and rough, provokes vata dosha in your pet. It also provokes pitta dosha as it contains toxic chemicals. This can invariably lead to your pet exhibiting aggressive behavior. Your dog is extremely prone to food allergies ad shouldn’t be kept on a mono-diet. Make sure that you rotate protein-rich food. Never feed old or stale food to your pet. Commercial wet and dry dog foods contain dangerous meat by-products that can affect your dog’s health negatively, which is why a raw diet for your pet is the best possible option5. Apart from good dietary habits, your dog would do well with plenty of exercise on a daily basis. This would help him or her to shed unwanted weight and stay in good shape! Lastly, always respect your pet’s emotional needs. Your dog would always crave to be by your side. If the need arises for you to leave your pet alone for long hours, consider getting another pet for company or leave your fur buddy with a close friend.

Your dog’s well-being is often directly related to your own overall health. A good bond between you and your pet gives you the opportunity to heal your bodies, minds, and spirits together.



1 Palika, Liz. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats. Penguin Group (USA) Inc, 2011.
2 How to balance the Vatta Dosha. Ayurveda Dosha.
3 How to balance the Pitta Dosha. Ayurveda Dosha.
4 How to balance the Kapha Dosha. Ayurveda Dosha.
5 Burke, Anna. 7 Vitamins Your Dog Needs for a Healthy Lifestyle. American Kennel Club, 2017.
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