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How To Treat Huntington’s Disease With Ayurveda

Treat huntington's disease with ayurveda

Huntington’s disease (HD) is a genetic disorder that causes gradual breakdown of nerve cells, especially in special cells called the basal ganglia situated in the brain.1 Ayurveda refers to genetic disorders as beeja dosha but doesn’t offer many details about such conditions.

[pullquote]Ayurveda identifies Huntington’s disease as closest to tandava roga, a neuromuscular disease.[/pullquote]


Ayurveda also cannot identify any particular disease that corresponds to Huntington’s, but the symptoms, which signify chiefly a vata dosha imbalance, are similar to a neuromuscular condition called tandava roga that is mentioned in Sharangdhara Samhita, a classical Ayurvedic text.

A recent case study shows that an Ayurvedic treatment regimen for tandava roga, including medication and procedures like nasya, shirostalam, abhyanga, and basti, improved the symptoms of chorea (involuntary jerking or trembling) in a 47-year-old woman with Huntington’s.2


Symptoms Of Huntington’s Disease Common With Tandava Roga

[pullquote]The motor symptoms are chiefly because of an increase in vata dosha.[/pullquote]

Motor Symptoms

Psychological Symptoms

[pullquote]The secondary involvement of pitta dosha manifests mostly in the mental aspects of the disease.[/pullquote]


Symptoms Suggesting An Increase In Vata Dosha

Symptoms Suggesting An Increase In Pitta Dosha

Overall, there is primary involvement of vata dosha increase, with secondary involvement of pitta dosha. The effect of pitta dosha abnormality is seen mostly in the mental aspects of the disease.

How To Treat Huntington’s Disease With Ayurveda

The following steps are crucial in treating the root causes of several symptoms in Huntington’s disease. Please note that none of these should be undertaken without the guidance of an Ayurvedic practitioner.


1. Balance Vata Dosha With Basti

The large intestine is the main region of vata dominance, and by controlling vata dosha here, the entire body can be relieved of vata imbalance. This is why basti or enema in panchakarma treatment is useful in Huntington’s disease.

Usually, a combination of decoction enema (asthapana basti), such as a decoction of eranda roots or a milky decoction of dashamula, and fat enema (anuvasana basti) with herbal oil or ghee, such as ashwagandhadi ghritam (ashwagandha ghee), is planned. They are given on alternate days for a period of 8, 15, or 30 days.


Asthapana Basti

Anuvasana And Matra Basti

2. Treat Pitta Dosha With Virechana Panchakarma

Because there is involvement of pitta, based on the level of pitta increase, virechana panchakarma treatment or purgation therapy is also planned to help control the mental symptoms such as mania, anxiety, lack of sleep, and confusion. Learning disabilities associated with Huntington’s disease can be improved by this method by stimulating pitta.

3. Treat Mental Symptoms With Nasya And Shirodhara

After basti and virechana are done, to control the mental symptoms, nasya treatment with brahmi ghee or pancha gavya ghee is very useful. In this method, these ghees are instilled into the nose.


Follow this up with shirodhara treatment with takra (buttermilk) or Ayurvedic oils such as Ksheerabala taila, Mahamasha taila, and Dhanwantharam taila.

4. Improve Motor Skills With Abhyanga

To correct the gait and to treat dystonia, regular abhyanga or Ayurvedic oil massage with Balashwagandhadi taila, Mahamasha taila, and Dhanwantharam taila is very helpful.


Oral Ayurvedic Medicines For Huntington’s Disease

Please note that none of these medicines should be consumed without consulting an Ayurvedic practitioner.

Kashayam Or Herbal Decoctions

Asava/Arishtam Or Herbal Fermented Liquids

Vati/Gulika Or Tablets And Capsules

Rasayanam Or Rejuvenators And Leham Or Confections

Can Ayurveda Cure Huntington’s Disease?

Since this is a genetic disorder, a complete cure cannot be promised. But the mental aspects can be very well improved so as to enable the patient to get through the day easily, at least in the early and middle stages. Physical symptoms are the hardest to cure. However, if the disease is diagnosed early, then motor skills can be maintained or even improved.

Since it is a chronic disorder, treatment will be required on a continuous basis for a very long time. If the symptoms are severe and persist for 2–6 weeks, based on the choice of panchakarma therapy, in-patient hospital care is advised.


1 Schroll, Henning, and Fred H. Hamker. “Basal Ganglia dysfunctions in movement disorders: What can be learned from computational simulations.” Movement Disorders 31, no. 11 (2016): 1591-1601.
2 Girish, K. J., Amit Kumar, Devendra Kaushik, and Diwakar P. Joshi. “Management of Huntington’s Disease through Ayurveda–A Case Study.” Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine (JAHM) 3, no. 3 (2015): 53-57.
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