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Why You Shouldn’t Use Other Women’s Bodies As A Measuring Stick

You are more than just physical beauty

Every woman is different, but the world is telling everyone to be a certain way to be able to fit the standards of beauty. The magazines and posters used today show women with an impossible measurement and perfect figures, flawless skin and lavish hair that most certainly requires immense effort and time. Moreover, the final pictures are airbrushed and retouched to remove any traces of flaws or marks, and are then used as a point of reference for all women to be compared to. Even if we know that the pictures are fake and retouched, and we know that genes play a large part in how we look, we aspire to be like the women we see on screen and in the media. We use their frames as a yardstick for ourselves, and it is time we stop doing so.



Insecurities are a part and parcel of life, but more so in women than men. Women are conditioned from a very young age to look a certain way, and if they do not fit the mold, they are disregarded and ridiculed. Over the years, the ideas of what is beautiful have changed, and will continue to do so, but each time frame brings its own impossible expectations for women. The inherent idea is that a woman’s beauty becomes her worth, and is the only way she can achieve success in life. In many cultures, a woman’s beauty can be helpful in getting her a husband, which in turn gives her a good name in society. These values aren’t usually questioned however, because women are still seen as second-class citizens.



One of the greater problems with this belief arises when women start comparing themselves to other women who are regarded are more “beautiful” and “accomplished” than them in the attractiveness department. Today’s culture emphasizes highly on fitness and exercise, and the ideal standard of beauty is someone who is lean and well toned. However, not everyone has the same body disposition, genes and the accessibility to achieve the kind of body that is celebrated today. For example, someone’s genetic predisposition might be a heavier body, and no matter how much they exercise, they may always look “big”. This means that a lot of women who might not fit into today’s standards of beauty, but are still beautiful and accomplished in their own way, end up feeling like failures about themselves.

Important Questions


There are some important questions you must ask yourself to understand your own worth, and re-calibrate the goals you want from life.
What is your physical and mental strength? Physical strength plays a big part in how physically healthy you feel, and mental health is as important as physical health, if not more. Through mental health, you can gain new perspectives in the way you think, and find new ways to overcome difficulties and challenges in your life. Invest in becoming stronger overall.
What is your quality of life? This question will help you to understand what is important for you: if you want a family or want to advance your career or both, for example, or if you want to open up your own bakery because that is what will improve your quality of life. Decide on what will make your life better and start working towards it.
What are my energy levels? Energy is important for us to get through each day, and low levels have a huge effect on how we actually end up getting through the day. If you feel fatigues and exhausted, the day seems long, drawn out and just not worth it. With the right energy levels, you can get through the day feeling better and more accomplished. Work on improving energy levels overall in your life.

Your body is not just something to look at to measure your worth with, it is the house of your soul and being. You can be so much more than beauty that is plastered in a magazine, and you can achieve so much more than what the world tells you.

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