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Re-attaining Your Natural (Primal) Posture For A Pain-Free Life:

Re-attaining your Natural (Primal) Posture for a Pain-free life

Re-attaining your Natural (Primal) Posture for a Pain-free life

Re-attaining your Natural (Primal) Posture for a Pain-free life:

It is no secret that we human beings, despite the fact that we’ve evolved the right way technologically, have evolved the wrong way physically, “unevolved” in a way, actually. Have you noticed the growing complaints of back ache or recurring joint aches and pains that we have got so accustomed to?

The reason for this, I think, is how modern society has forced our bodies to adapt to the new chairs, couches and mattresses that claim to be good for us. That could not be further from the truth! Your body would not be in pain, and your posture would be interestingly different if you were not to live in an industrialized society.


Your body knows the right Posture:

The problem is that your body remembers how it used to sit and move around, and that is why you are in pain. It’s a good thing, too, that we get aches, because it’s a sign that our muscle memory is working, and that our bodies have not given up the fight for health. Can you imagine what you would look like if your spine would just adapt to our contemporary standards?

That’s right. You need to rearrange the way you think about your back. You have to tap into what is called the primal pose – aka our initial posture, which is tuned to the shape and relaxation of our spinal column. Sadly, we have been so deeply indoctrinated with the wrong way of wearing our bodies that it might actually take some undoing for you to naturally resort back to your primal pose.


What is the Primal Posture?

Let’s get to know what our primal posture really is… When we realize that we have bad posture, with our shoulders bent forward, we tend to straighten right up. We think that’s good, but we actually only put stress upon our spine, so naturally within a short while, we are back to our bad posture. We need to feel relaxed in order to sit like that all the time. Our posture needs to benefit us, and heal us.

So what we should do is change the way we straighten our backs. You need to straighten more from your pelvis, and you can do so if you push it a little bit outward. This way, your spine rearranges itself beautifully, your internal organs are happy with this position, and everything works in symbiosis FOR you.


There are various exercises that you could try, even while you are at your desk working away, or in the kitchen. It only requires a chair with a back rest, and your complete attention. You have to use your pelvis to place yourself in a healthy, relaxing position, and eventually put something against your back so you can remain relaxed in that said position. This, however, requires your daily attention, will and memory, so that you can reprogram your body to accept and settle in your natural healthy primal pose.


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