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7 Menstruation Myths That Need To End

myths about menstruation

myths about menstruation

Most of us grew up listening to whispered stories of what a normal period should be like. And most of the times, the facts that got passed on to us, would get mixed up with a few tweaks.

It’s time to debunk these myths! Here are popular myths around menstruation that need to be done and dusted.


1. Myth: Menstrual Cycles Should Be 28 days Long

If you grew up fretting that your menstrual cycle isn’t 28 days, it’s time to give yourself a break.


Fact: It’s perfectly normal to have a cycle that isn’t 28 days long. It doesn’t mean something is wrong or abnormal. Variations in cycle length are quite normal. It could range from anywhere between 21-35 days in adults. The cycles get shorter as we age.

2. Myth: Period Blood Is “Bad” Blood


Several people see menstrual blood as “dirty.”

Fact: There is nothing dirty or bad about menstrual blood. It is a mix of blood, older uterine tissue cells, and secretions from the vagina and cervix. It differs from normal blood because of its composition and other properties including the presence of more water and lesser iron. But this doesn’t make menstrual blood impure.


3. Myth: PMS Is All In The Head

Tired of listening to people who believe PMS is fake?


Fact: Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a real condition that affects nearly 50% of women. It makes its appearance a week or two right before your periods. It could come in the form of mood swings, abdominal pain, breast tenderness, anxiety, and cravings. Some women even experience bouts of clumsiness as a symptom of PMS!

4. Myth: You Cannot Get Pregnant During Periods


This one is a little tricky.

Fact: It is possible to become pregnant during menstruation. Though the chances are pretty low. Did you know sperm could live up to 5 days in the vagina? This means if you do have unprotected sex during your periods, and if your ovulation decides to come in a little early, you could get pregnant. Because there is enough time for sperms to reach and fertilize the egg. Always wear protection during sex, even if you are on your period.


5. Myth: You Can’t Have Sex During Periods

A lot of people feel menstruation means you can’t have any action between the sheets. While the opinions can be divided on this one, the truth is simple.

Fact: There is nothing wrong with having sex while you are on your period. In fact, some women find themselves craving sex during their periods. There is nothing gross or wrong about that. Just wear protection!

6. Myth: You Shouldn’t Do Exercises During Periods

One of the most common myths is women can’t do exercises while menstruating. Some believe women can increase their risk of injury during the time of the month and a few others think women are weaker during this time.

Fact: There is no problem if you are up for exercising during your periods. Mild exercises can help to deal with PMS in the future. There is no set of rules or restrictions you need to follow when you exercise. It’s important to listen to your body.

7. Myth: Sharks Will Come After You If You’re Swimming In The Ocean

People believe sharks can smell blood a mile away, and the belief extends to women on their periods.

Fact: No, sharks don’t come after menstruating women. It just doesn’t happen. Women can’t increase their risk of getting attacked by a shark while they are menstruating. It doesn’t work in real life.

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