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Now, Even Kissing Is Backed By Science!

A kiss is a wonderful feeling that brings a blissful smile to our face, keeping us happy and tingling long after it has ended. Pleasant as it is, kissing has an evolutionary basis, and was actually a way for early humans to test their biological compatibility! Over time, it has become a cultural symbol of affection. But not many know that beyond all of this, there is science involved.

The theories around kissing are as interesting as the kiss itself!


1. The Theory Of Kissing

There are scientists, called philematologists, who study kissing ! They have been deriving various theories about kissing and its origin. The most common theory is that it could have had its origin from primitive mothers passing chewed food to their babies to help them eat. This lip-to-lip contact may have been passed on through evolution as a general way to promote social bonding, and as an expression of love.1


But now, other theories have also emerged about the kiss. Kissing in a romantic relationship may help us judge our mate through the chemical signals that are sent to our brain. Kissing may also be a subtle way for people to assess the compatibility of a mate, before committing to a relationship with them.

Animals use pheromones to alert their peers of things like mating, food sources, and danger. Researchers hypothesize that these pheromones can play a role in human behavior as well.2


2. A Genetic Basis

Kissing can help us choose the right mate based on our genetic makeup!


Wondering what genes have to do with kissing? We have a group of genes called the MHC (Major Histocompatibility Complex) that form a part of our immune system, giving us our natural scent. Experiments have proven that women prefer men with different MHC genes from their own. The reason is that when two people with different MHC genes mate, their baby would have a selection of components from each of their immune systems. A diverse immune system increases the body’s disease fighting capacity. So science does prove that opposites attract! This explains why we prefer kissing one person over another.3

3. Altered Brain Chemistry


When we kiss someone, we discover the taste of their mouth and the smell of their breath. Science tells us that this is a huge factor in determining attraction. A heady cocktail made of three chemicals – dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin, which make us feel good and crave more. The combination of these three chemicals activate the pleasure centers in our brain. As a result, we are thronged by feelings of euphoria and addictive behavior. Oxytocin, known as the ‘love hormone’, is the reason for we have feelings of affection and attachment. A kiss is, therefore, a biological drive and not just another sensory experience.4

4. Sloppy Men, Choosy women


Women are said to put more emphasis on kissing, and would never have sex without kissing first. Men, on the other hand, do not pay that much attention to kissing, and would carry on a relationship even with a woman who isn’t a good kisser. Theories state that women need more than a kiss to stimulate attachment and bonding.5

5. Kiss Your Stress Away!


It has been proven that kissing can reduce stress levels to a great extent, due to the hormones that are released. It is said to counter the stress hormone, cortisol, and increase serotonin levels in the brain. Kissing also lowers anxiety and has nearly the same effect as that of meditation. Kissing is a mood elevator due to the release of our ‘feel-good’ hormones, endorphins.6

So the next time you kiss, remember it is not just a kiss – there is a whole lot of science behind it!


1 Demirjian, Andrea. Kissing: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about One of Life’s Sweetest Pleasures. Penguin, 2006.
2 Kirshenbaum, Sheril. The Science of Kissing: What Our Lips Are Telling Us. Hachette UK, 2011.
3 Smith, Robert Rowland. Driving With Plato: The Meaning of Life’s Milestones. Profile Books, 2011.
4 Shenoy Preeti. Why We Love the Way We Do. Westland, 2015.
5 Cane, William. The Art of Kissing, 2nd Revised Edition: The Truth About What Men and Women Do, Think, and Feel. St. Martin’s Press, 2005.
6 Floyd, Kory, Justin P. Boren, Annegret F. Hannawa, Colin Hesse, Breanna McEwan, and Alice E. Veksler. “Kissing in marital and cohabiting relationships: Effects on blood lipids, stress, and relationship satisfaction.” Western Journal of Communication 73, no. 2, 2009.
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