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Coconut Oil For Your Skin: How Good Is It For You?

Is coconut oil good for your skin?

Over the years, coconut oil has come a long way, starting from being a humble kitchen staple to now being a versatile all-natural beauty product. Its use originated in the tropical parts of the world, where coconuts are available in abundance. The natives began using coconut oil for their skin since they were of the firm belief that it offers good protection against the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun.

Today, this oil is not only used as a natural hair conditioner but is also used by beauty experts around the world to moisturize skin and solve a variety of skin problems.


Does coconut oil have any side effects though? Will continuous use affect our skin in any way? Can someone with oily skin use coconut oil as well without having to worry about breakouts? Let’s find out.

What Is Coconut Oil?


In order to understand how coconut oil works in maintaining the health of our skin, we need to take a look at its constituents and their respective properties first.

Coconut oil is a highly saturated oil. Traditionally, it is made by extracting the oil from either dried coconut kernels or raw coconuts. It is solid in cold temperatures, but when heated, can soften and even melt.


About 65% of coconut oil is made of medium-chain fatty acids, which are basically a form of saturated fat. The fatty acids contained in coconut oil include:

Additionally, coconut oil also contains small amounts of mono and polyunsaturated fats. One tablespoon of pure coconut oil contains approximately 12 grams of saturated fat along with 1 gram of unsaturated fat.


Is Coconut Oil Good For The Skin?

It is natural to be a little apprehensive about applying oil to the skin. One might have some initial thoughts about oil clogging facial pores and leading to oily skin texture and acne. However, coconut oil is remarkably different compared to other beauty products such as mineral oil. It doesn’t contain any extra water or petroleum by-products which are usually responsible for the clogging of skin pores. Instead, coconut oil works gently to hydrate and soften the skin by seeping deep into the cells. Coconut oil also helps to strip away all kinds of dirt and dead cells from your skin, thus giving you a healthy, glowing complexion.


Benefits Of Using Coconut Oil On The Skin

Listed below are some of the reasons why coconut oil is so sought after to help maintain skin health.


What If I Have Sensitive Or Oily Skin?

While many people have celebrated the effects coconut oil has had on their skin – it is important to be aware that different skin types may react differently to it.


For instance, those with naturally oily skin ought to avoid coconut oil as it may block skin pores and cause a nasty case of blackheads.

If you have sensitive skin, try applying a little amount on a small patch of skin before going all out. This way you’ll be able to test if it works well for your skin. Eating foods cooked with coconut oil doesn’t lead to any side effects, so those with oily or sensitive skin may consider this as an option to take advantage of the many benefits this oil has to offer.

What Type Of Coconut Oil Is Best For Application On Skin?

Coconut oil is not as simple and straightforward a product as you may think it to be. The market is rolling out endless varieties of brands and types of coconut oil, and choosing the best kind for your skin may seem a bit of a challenge.

There are 3 main types of coconut oil namely:

Studies confirm that virgin coconut oil may be much more effective than refined coconut oil when it comes to neutralizing harmful free radicals and preventing oxidation, which could potentially damage your cells and cause inflammation and disease.4 5 Therefore, if you’re looking to buy coconut oil for your skin, always go for the virgin variety. If you’re looking to buy coconut oil for cooking purposes, however, you may choose refined coconut oil for it can withstand high temperatures and won’t lose its beneficial nutrients.

The Final Verdict

Coconut oil has indeed, been proven to cure a lot of skin conditions and is well-known for being a catalyst in maintaining good skin health. For those with oily or highly sensitive skin, take care to do patch tests so you can slowly assess your skin’s tolerance for this oil. Alternatively, you may even consult with your dermatologist for advice before you start using coconut oil for your skin.


1 Intahphuak, S., P. Khonsung, and A. Panthong. “Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antipyretic activities of virgin coconut oil.” Pharmaceutical Biology 48, no. 2 (2010): 151-157.
2 Verallo-Rowell, Vermén M., Kristine M. Dillague, and Bertha S. Syah-Tjundawan. “Novel antibacterial and emollient effects of coconut and virgin olive oils in adult atopic dermatitis.” Dermatitis 19, no. 6 (2008): 308-315.
3 Nevin, K. G., and T. Rajamohan. “Effect of topical application of virgin coconut oil on skin components and antioxidant status during dermal wound healing in young rats.” Skin Pharmacology and Physiology 23, no. 6 (2010): 290-297.
4 Nevin, K. Govindan, and Thankappan Rajamohan. “Wet and dry extraction of coconut oil: impact on lipid metabolic and antioxidant status in cholesterol coadministered rats.” Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology 87, no. 8 (2009): 610-616.
5 Marina, A. M., Y. B. Che Man, S. A. H. Nazimah, and I. Amin. “Antioxidant capacity and phenolic acids of virgin coconut oil.” International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 60, no. sup2 (2009): 114-123.
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