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How Can You Help A Baby With A Cold

Baby Nose Suction: Nasal Saline Drops

Baby with cold: How Can You Help A Baby With A Cold

There are plenty of viruses in the environment that cause the common cold. Your infant’s delicate immune system will not be able to fend against all these viruses, making it vulnerable to the illness. Colds are infections of the mouth, nose, and throat and include symptoms like stuffy or runny nose, mild cough, low-grade fever, watery eyes, loss of appetite, restlessness, and headaches. Such infections are more prevalent during the cold, winter months when people tend to spend more time indoors. Colds can spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes or has hand-to-hand contact with others. Your baby is very fragile, and it can get difficult to see them suffer from a cold. Most over-the-counter cold medicines are not safe for your baby’s consumption. Cold medicines should be given only under the supervision of a pediatrician. Here are a few safe remedies to help your bundle of joy recover from the uncomfortable illness.


1. Proper Rest

Make sure your little one gets plenty of rest. Fighting a cold can drain its energy and put its body under stress. It can heal faster when it rests well.


2. Hydration

Your baby has to drink plenty of fluids to beat a cold. Fluids will help loosen mucus and flush it out from its system. Warm water is the best option. You can also give it diluted apple or grape juice. Add a pinch of salt if your feel that your baby is dehydrated.


3. Humidifier

Dry air can harden mucus, making it difficult for your young one to breathe during a cold. Run a humidifier in the room, so that the air contains enough moisture to ease breathing. You can also create a steam room and make it breathe the steam for 5 to 10 minutes for relief from a stuffy nose.


4. Tilted Bed

Keep your baby’s head elevated, so that any mucus being flushed from its system does not flow back into the throat. Elevating the head will help clear your little one’s airways and help it get better sleep.


5. Saline Nasal Drops

A saline nasal drop is sterile water with some salts added to it. You can buy such drops at a pharmacy. Put 2 drops in each nostril 3 to 4 times a day. The drops will loosen the mucus and will help your little one breathe better. It is advisable to use the drops 15 minutes before you feed it.


6. Petroleum Jelly

Apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly on your baby’s nose to reduce irritation. Make sure the jelly does not enter its nose; it might lead to blockage. Avoid using mentholated topical ointments in its nose as those can irritate the airways and increase the production of mucus. Instead, apply them on its feet, if it is older than 3 months, so that it can smell the menthol from a distance.


7. Nose Suction

If you feel that your baby’s nose needs to be cleaned, put a few drops of saline solution in each nostril, wait for a minute then use a bulb syringe or a nose cleaner to clean it. Since your young one’s nose is very delicate, you have to be very careful and gentle when you use suction force on it.

Colds without complications will go away within a week or two, but if any symptoms such as high fever, lethargy, persistent cough, and difficulty in breathing persist, consult a pediatrician. Your baby might be suffering from something more than just a cold. Untreated colds can even lead to pneumonia. Always be in touch with your pediatrician if your little one is less is less than 3 months old, and keep in mind that honey should not be given until it is a year old.

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