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How to get rid of lice quickly?

How to get rid of lice quickly?

How to get rid of lice quickly?

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Curejoy Expert Gina Hodge Explains:


6 to 12 million kids in the U.S are affected with head lice each year making it a very common problem. It is a phase that will get over in a few years but that does not mean, you must leave it untreated. Just don’t stress over it and use harsh chemicals, but try some of these home remedies to get rid of the lice for good:

Oil Treatments:
. Baby Oil: Apply some baby oil on your hair and then comb your hair slowly so that lice start falling from your head. Then wash your hair with mild shampoo and hot water.
. Olive Oil: Apply any type of olive oil to your hair generously before going to bed. Put a shower cap or towel on your head to keep the oil on your hair overnight. In the morning, comb out the lice. Wash your hair with a herbal shampoo containing tea tree oil. Another option is to mix half a cup of olive oil with half a cup of conditioner and add some liquid soap to it. Apply this solution onto your hair and leave it on for an hour. Then, rinse out your hair and apply conditioner. Comb your hair thoroughly to remove the dead lice. Repeat this remedy after a week to get best results.
. Tree Tea Oil is a natural insecticide, making it an effective treatment for head lice. Mix one teaspoon of tea tree oil, one ounce of natural shampoo and three tablespoons of coconut or olive oil. Apply the solution gently throughout your hair and cover your head with a shower cap or towel. Leave your head covered for a half an hour and then rinse thoroughly with hot water. Finally, comb through your hair while it is still wet to remove the dead lice.
Caution: Do not apply tea tree oil directly to the scalp
. Mayonnaise contains a lot of oil, which has viscosity properties that will suffocate live head lice. Apply full-fat mayonnaise liberally over your scalp. Cover your hair with a shower cap or towel and leave it on for about eight hours or overnight. Shampoo and then comb any remaining lice out of your hair. Repeat this daily for one week.
. Sesame seed oil is antibacterial, anti fungal and has natural insecticide properties. Mix together one-fourth cup of sesame seed oil, one-eighth cup of neem oil, one teaspoon of tea tree oil, one-half teaspoon of eucalyptus and rosemary essential oils and about 10 drops of lavender essential oil. Rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar and allow it to dry. Apply the oil solution to the hair and scalp, cover with a shower cap or towel and leave it on overnight. In the morning, comb your hair thoroughly to remove the dead lice. Then sham    poo normally. Repeat this treatment daily for one or two weeks.


Vinegar washes
. White Vinegar: Before bed, put some white vinegar on your hair and cover your head with a shower cap or towel. Leave it on overnight. In the morning, wash your hair with regular shampoo and then apply some conditioner. Repeat this process for at least three to four days to get positive results.
. Apple Cider Vinegar: Rinse your hair thoroughly with apple cider vinegar and allow it to dry. Then apply some hot coconut oil. Cover your head with a shower cap or towel and leave it on for six to eight hours or overnight.In the morning, comb your hair and then shampoo as usual. Repeat this every day for a week to eradicate lice. To make the treatment more effective, add several drops of anise essential oil to the coconut oil prior to application.

The strong fragrance of garlic can suffocate lice, ultimately killing them. Grind 8 to 10 garlic cloves into a paste and mix in 2-3 teaspoons of lime juice. Apply the mixture thoroughly onto the scalp. Leave it on for a half an hour and then rinse the hair thoroughly with hot water.
You can make a thick paste by combining fresh garlic juice with some cooking oil, lemon extract, green tea and some shampoo and conditioner. Coat the hair thoroughly with the paste and cover your scalp with a towel or shower cap for about a half an hour. Then wash your hair with your regular shampoo. Repeat this remedy on a weekly basis for one to two months.

Mix one-quarter cup of salt and one-quarter cup of vinegar thoroughly. Gently spray the solution onto your hair so that it becomes slightly wet. Put on a shower cap and leave it for about two hours. Then wash and condition your hair. Repeat this every three days to get positive results.


Petroleum Jelly
Apply a thick layer of Vaseline/ Petroleum jelly to the scalp before going to bed. Cover your head tightly with a shower cap or towel. Leave it on overnight. In the morning, use baby oil to remove the petroleum jelly. Comb your hair thoroughly to remove the lice. Repeat this several nights in a row.

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