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Fitness is a Lifetime Event: 5 Keys to Keep it Going.

Fitness is a Lifetime Event: 5 Keys to Keep it Going.


I had a discussion last year with a long-term friend who is now in his 60′s.  As I look upon him, he’s only a shell of who he once was.  I can remember when he was a strong as an ox.  It’s as if the guy I once knew no longer existed.  I know that we all will grow older, but does that mean we will lose being fit?

On the contrary, last year I watched a video on YouTube of Sy Perlis from Arizona.  He was attempting to break a world record for his age group in the bench press.  Sy was 91 years old and a WWII vet.  The record had stood at 135 pounds.  Sy proceeded to break that record and raised it 4 more times in that day.  His final record was 187.5 pounds!  That’s over 50 pounds more than the previous record.


There are many examples of older folks that still challenge themselves physically.

While I think of the many people that I’ve known in my lifetime letting themselves go, I stand assured that there are many others who are fit at 50 and beyond.  Some are over 100 years old.  There’s the oldest woman’s bodybuilder in Ernestine Shepard (who is 77 years old), who teaches fitness classes. Heck you can find many examples on the internet.


Each person have found pleasure in keeping fit.  They are setting the example for all of us.  That is the reason I believe that fitness should not be relegated to the young.  Instead, each person should embrace it throughout their life.


Here are 5 keys to help you keep fitness going:

  1. Discover your reason why.  In a sense, this is your purpose for staying fit.  As we grow older, purpose becomes an even more powerful part of our life.  So does fitness.
  2. Hang with fitness-oriented individuals.  Who we associate with the most will have a profound affect on our behavior.  Fitness is no exception.  If younger folks are more active, then have them amongst your friend as I do.  Many of my friends are in their 20′s and 30′s + fit.
  3. Make fitness fun.  The more you enjoy the physical activity you do, the more apt you’ll continue to do it.
  4. Think of movement all the time as part of being a human.  We’re suppose to engage in physical movement.  Moving is living.  I know that when I stop I am either asleep or I’m no longer alive.  So when I am alive, I continue to move for fitness.
  5. Think of fitness as a lifetime journey and not a goal.  Live it and breathe it.  Read about it and learn from others.  In fact, make it as part of who you are.

I only gave you five keys.  I could go on with a key chain full of keys to fitness.  Most important is to apply these five keys into your life and even share them with those closest to you.  When you do, life will be so much better and you’ll continue to feel truly alive.



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