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9 Exercises To Get Periods Early

exercises to get periods early

Aunt Flo is a blessing and a curse. She’s a sign that our bodies are healthy! Unfortunately, she also has a habit of showing up at the most inconvenient time. She can make it hard to plan for a big event, like a vacation or a wedding.

Luckily, you can do certain exercises to get period early. They don’t mess with your hormones, so they’re safe. You’ll also get a good workout, so why not?


Here are the nine best exercises to start period early.

9 Exercises To Get Periods Early

1. Squats


Lower body workouts are great ways of inducing your period. They stimulate the muscles in your abdomen and pelvis, and get things moving. A workout for your thighs is a major plus, too.

Remember to use your core muscles as support. Doing this will make your period come sooner.


Reps: 10 to 15

2. Sit-Ups


Sit-ups are another basic workout and double as exercises that induce menstruation. The continuous movement works by tensing up your abdominal muscles.

Reps: 10 to 15


3. Twisted Crunches

One of the best exercises that induce menstruation is the bicycle crunch. This move puts your abdominal muscles to work! You exercise both sets of ab muscles while toning your thighs.


[Also Read: Can You Do Yoga During Periods]

Reps: 10 to 15


4. Standing Twists

The standing twist is great when you want to get your periods early. It’s so simple that you can do it even while waiting for a bus or during your lunch break.

Reps: 10 to 15

5. Running

The repeated leg movement of running will “wake up” your pelvic area. Not a fan of running? Jogging or walking will work fine, too. All these exercises will help you get your period sooner.

For added benefits, move your arms with each stride. It’ll stimulate the torso even more. If you’re up for a challenge, try going up a hill for added pressure on your core.

Reps: 30 minutes

6. Abdominal Twists

Abdominal twists are great to stimulate muscles and blood in your lower body. Once you mastered the twist, you could take it up a notch and do the exercise with a medicine ball.

Reps: 15

7. Reverse Crunches

Another great way to get those pelvic muscles moving in order to get your periods early is to do reverse crunches.

Reps: 20

8. Stability Ball Knee Tuck

This might seem a little tricky but once you get the hang of doing a stability knee tuck, it is great for your stomach and pelvic muscles.

Reps: 15-20

9. Scissors

This is an inner thigh workout that loosens up your pelvic muscles.

Reps: 15

These exercises won’t work immediately, but they’ll certainly speed things up. You can also get your period to come sooner by de-stressing and applying a heating pad. Yoga and Pilates will also help.

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