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5 Handy Exercise Tips To Beat Depression

exercise and depression

Depression affects each one of us in different ways and the ways to treat it can be subjective too. There are a lot of ways to overcome depression and exercise happens to be one of them. Physical activity and exercise still remain to be a fantastic way to help people beat depression.1

Any form of adrenaline pumping, heart racing exercises can boost the levels of serotonin and endorphins in the body thereby making you more joyous. What’s more? Greater the physical activity, better are your chances of getting a restful and stress-free sleep at night. If you are planning to start exercising you should take a look at the tips below.


5 Tips To Keep In Mind Before You Exercise

Here are some helpful tips you should keep in mind if you are signing up for an exercise routine to beat depression.

1. Choose An Exercise That Works For You


It’s important to remember that you are exercising to train your mind primarily to recover. Despite, the wide variety of exercises available, choose what you love to do best. It could be anything from aerobics to strength training or yoga to martial arts. Choose whatever that gets you excited.

Don’t worry about the number of calories you can burn with your exercise. Think about how much time you can give for it. Start with three times a week and don’t be in a rush to do it daily. As long as you feel enthusiastic while exercising, the type of exercise doesn’t matter.


2. Join Group Sessions Or Get A Trainer On Board

In the initial stages of your road to recovery, you would feel like you need to be surrounded by people who are fitness enthusiasts. During this phase, you can join group fitness sessions at the gym or in parks where you have others around to keep you inspired. Getting a personal trainer to supervise your exercise regime is also a good way to start.


3. Do It Often In The Open

We live in crammed cities where green spaces are becoming outnumbered. However, scientific research has found that people who exercised more in the open experienced greater revitalization and higher self-esteem. Exercising on a beach or in a park gives your mind much-needed serenity and focus. It can also serve as a lovely opportunity to meet like-minded individuals.


4. Consistency Matters More Than Intensity

One of the characteristic features of depression is that there will be both good and bad days. On some days, you won’t feel very energetic and it’s best to take some downtime for your body. Although, it’s recommended that you indulge in some form of physical activity like a light stroll or some relaxing yoga asanas to calm the mind.


The intensity of the exercise routine is not as important when compared to its consistency. Your mantra should be regular exercise instead of rigorous exercise.

5. Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself


Regarding your exercise goals, don’t set unrealistic ones and push yourself too hard to achieve them. That will pave way for more disappointment. Remember to enjoy yourself in the process. Journal how different you feel mentally and physically after your exercise regime. On days that you are not that upbeat, take a break and do something delightful to keep your mind occupied.

Both physical activity and exercise are very beneficial to overcome depression. Practice it consistently and mindfully to see constructive changes in your life. Allow yourself to warm up to exercise slowly and steadily.2


1 Byrne, A., and D. G. Byrne. “The effect of exercise on depression, anxiety and other mood states: a review.” Journal of psychosomatic research 37, no. 6 (1993): 565-574.
2 Exercise for Stress and Anxiety. Anxiety and Depression Association of America.
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