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Bringing Home Baby: 10 Things that May Surprise You about Your Newborn

Having a new baby can be exciting and terrifying all at once. When I was pregnant with baby #1, I had no idea how many surprises I’d face. You’d think that when I was preparing for #2, I would have everything figured out, but each baby is so different and comes with his or her own adventures in motherhood.

Here are 10 things that might surprise you about your newborn.


1. Umbilical Cords

Umbilical cords are straight out gross! And they stink! Caden’s umbilical cords smelled so bad I took him to the doctor because I thought it was infected. It was disgusting. So, don’t be surprised if your babies cord smells. Not to mention towards the end it starts to dangle. Yuck!

2. Baby Acne.

You bring baby home and can’t stop staring and touching your little one’s flawless skin and then out of the blue your newborn starts looking like a teenager with raging hormones. Their face gets covered in little zits and bumps. It can spread all over their face, neck, back of the neck, chest and even arms and legs. I’ll never forget my brother asking “what’s all over his face.” Awesome, right?


3. Baby Eczema.

Baby Eczema is pretty similar to baby acne and it’s sometimes hard to tell the difference. Baby Eczema is usually rough, dry skin and can appear on their face, neck and body. If you see rashes in their folds of their skin it’s most likely eczema.



4. Cradle Cap.

I like to call it Cradle Crap. It’s this yellowish flaky scalp that is all over the head and it can spread behind their ears, neck and even on their face. These poor kids can not catch a break their first couple months of life.



5. Lumpy Nipple.

You guys, I thought my kid seriously had breast cancer at the age of 2 weeks! And he’s a boy! I picked him up one day and noticed he had a lump in one of his nipples. I of course googled it right away and found out it’s completely normal and is pretty common in newborns.

6. Fingernail Growth.

Newborns’ fingernails grow so fast — I am assuming it’s because they are getting so many vitamins. Their little nails are like razor blades. They scratch themselves and everything around them, including mom! Cutting them the very first time is super nerve wrecking. The last thing you want to do is miss and cut a little itty bitty finger.


Suggestion: Cut their nails when the baby is sleeping or nursing and take your time.

7. Ear Wax.

I’m not sure why this surprised me since they are human but it seems that babies have a lot of ear wax. At least mine does.


8. Green Poop.

Yes, poop. You’ll find that after you have your baby, poop is all you’ll talk about. You’ll be ecstatic when your baby has their first “yellow” normal poop and probably tell your family and friends. I remember when Caden had his first poop I yelled down to my husband: “He pooped!” and we both started cheering. Yea, that really happened.

You can tell a lot about what is going on with your baby just in his or her diaper. Which brings me to the next surprise. Green, explosive poop!


All of a sudden your baby’s yellow seedy poop turns green, slimy and gross. The good news is it could be a couple things and none of them are too serious.

The first is probably your milk supply. I myself fudged up my supply by pumping as much as I could so I could have a night out stash. Well, it bit me in the butt because I then had an over-supply and he was getting way too much fore milk rather than the hind milk, which was causing the green poop.

It can also be caused by not allowing the baby to empty one breast before moving to the next.

Drool could also be the culprit or it could be something you ate or it just may be normal.But if it’s green and frothing looking … it’s most likely the baby is getting too much fore milk.

9. Growth Spurts.

Uh, the dreaded growth spurts. They always sneak up on you even when you know they are coming. Babies go through grow spurts at 10 days, 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months and 6 months.

I’ve even heard a 4-month spurt is in there too. What I didn’t know and what may surprise you as well is these aren’t all physical. So even though your little one may not be gaining drastic weight they may be working on seeing patterns, rolling over or trying to sit up. So their little baby brains are going crazy which will affect their sleeping and eating habits.

10. LOVE.

You’ll feel a love that you never even knew you had. There aren’t any words to describe what you feel when your little one looks up at you and shows you that gummy grin or when they laugh for the first time. Nothing else seems to matter at that point and time. It’s the best feeling in the world.


Credits:Slice Of Life

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