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Guide To Diffusers By Aromatherapists

You would probably take great care in selecting only the finest premium quality essential oils, now to ensure a superior aroma experience and therapeutic results, you would want to choose only the best quality diffusers available in the market.

Make the right choice by selecting the essential oil diffuser that’s perfect for you with this guide to diffusers.


The best way to enjoy all the therapeutic benefits of essential oils is simply through direct inhalation and one of the easiest ways to diffuse your essential oils into air is as an environmental fragrance.

Research has shown that cold-air diffusing certain oils into the environment may:


Start by diffusing your essential oils for only 15-30 minutes per day. As you become accustomed to the oils and recognize their effects you may increase your time of exposure to them.

Please note, you can become accustomed to the scent of oils in the air and lose your ability to notice them after a period of time. Friends or family members may stop by and comment on the aroma, yet you no longer notice it.


Just be mindful that all the benefits of essential oils are being delivered and you’ll need to monitor your exposure, so you do not overload your nervous system with continued use.

I recommend that you rotate the oils and blends you use. Just like with a food, herb or supplement you can build up a tolerance to its effectiveness when used long term without a break. The general guide is 3 days on, 1-2 days off of an oil. This will also circumvent the chance of sensitization to a particular oil.


3 Best Diffusers To Use

1. Cold Air Nebulizer Diffuser

For a full bodied aroma experience in a room, the cold air diffuser is your best choice. It’s the most preferred diffusion method of essential oils as an environmental fragrance. You can use fewer drops of essential oils than other types of diffusers, making it more cost effective. This type of cold air diffuser uses room temperature to blow air into the nebulizer.

The essential oils are vaporized quickly and efficiently and then dispersed into air. With a cold air nebulizer diffuser, it’s important that you choose a high quality pump that is quiet and effective for diffusing the thicker/heavier oils.


A cheaper cold air diffuser can be noisy, as well as messy to clean. Also, it will not circulate thicker/heavier oils very well. The cold air diffuser does not use water or heat to diffuse the oils. It’s important with this type of diffuser to get a 1 to 2 year manufacturer’s guarantee.

2. Ultrasonic Micro Diffuser

Though not the first choice among the vast majority of aromatherapists it is a close second and certainly, at the moment, the most popular diffuser among the general public. It’s inexpensive and quiet to operate.


The ultrasonic micro diffuser uses electronic frequencies to create vibrations that are carried to the surface of the water where the oils are floating and breaks them down (vaporizes them) into millions of micro particles.

This type of diffusion disperses oil in the air as a fine mist and without any heating that can render oils therapeutically less beneficial.


In illness, you may consider inhaling the oil’s vapors near the “mouth” of the diffuser. A short session of breathing in the oils for 4-5 minutes should be sufficient. You can repeat every few hours.

The ultrasonic or humidifier nebulizer type diffusers are now being used as an equivalent to drug and are commonly used for the treatment of cystic fibrosis, asthma and other respiratory diseases.

With the ultrasonic micro diffusers, you will need to put the essential oils into the water where they will float. The ratio of oil to water is 1 drop of oil to 200 drops of water. With more water than oil, the fragrance is less intense and you will need to use more essential oil for this type of diffuser.

Caution with citrus oils is advised since they can ruin functional parts of the diffuser unit.

3. Evaporative Diffuser

This is a very simple, quiet and easy to operate diffuser, it uses a fan to blow cool air through a filter or pad on which drops of essential oil gets dispensed. The cool air vaporizes the oil in air. This diffuser is especially good for using it in small areas like your vehicle, and not as effective for scenting larger areas as the other two diffusers.

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is for informational purposes only and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a serious health concern please consult a qualified medical professional.

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