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All You Need To Know About Reiki

Reiki is a spiritual healing technique that originated in Japan. It works wonders if you are looking for a stress reduction and relaxation therapy and is also known to promote healing. It can be administered in two ways – hands-on healing and distant healing. Reiki healing works on the basic premise that unseen, life-giving energy flows within us and keeps us alive. When you are unwell or stressed out, your energy is low; when your energy is high, you are happy and in the pink of health.

Understanding Reiki

Reiki gets its name from two Japanese words – Rei, which means “a higher power” or “God’s grace,” and Ki, which means “life-giving energy.” Thus, Reiki essentially means “spiritually directed life-giving energy.”


As Reiki does not involve medication, supplements, or clinical procedures, it is a safe, simple natural therapy that leads to spiritual healing and self-improvement among people of all ages. Moreover, it can be combined with other medical treatments to accelerate the recovery process as well as control side effects. Reiki healing has been useful in treating almost every known disease and continues to be a much-preferred therapy in the Orient.

Features Of Reiki


Elements That Constitute Reiki Healing

How Reiki Can Help You


Reiki healing provides you with life-giving energy that not only improves your physical and mental health, but also helps you do away with negative thoughts and emotions and makes you a stronger individual. Reiki healing is known to cure a vast number of disease/medical conditions ranging from a common cold and joint pain to chronic diseases such as arthritis and diabetes1. It has also been found to relieve anxiety and pain in cancer patients.2 Other than curing ailments, Reiki helps maintain emotional and spiritual balance. It can help mend relationships; help you cope with everyday stress; and prepare you for life-changing events such as marriage, childbirth, and more.

Most importantly, Reiki is a self-improvement exercise. A practitioner provides you with the energy to facilitate healing, but you need to help yourself to heal. If you are adamant about not wanting to heal, Reiki cannot help you. So no practitioner guarantees a positive outcome to a patient. Try Reiki, and experience a new form of healing!



1 Ávila-Sansores, G. M., PI del S. Gómez-Aguilar, and F. R. Tuz-Poot. “Effect of the reiki as a nursing care in the metabolic control of type 2 diabetes patients.” Revista de Enfermería del Instituto Mexicano des Seguro Social 18, no. 2 (2010): 75-80.
2 Birocco, Nadia, Camilla Guillame, Silvana Storto, Giuliana Ritorto, Cristiana Catino, Nisha Gir, Lucia Balestra et al. “The effects of Reiki therapy on pain and anxiety in patients attending a day oncology and infusion services unit.” American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine® 29, no. 4 (2012): 290-294.
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