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9 Tips To Stay Motivated Towards Your Goals

9 Tips To Stay Motivated Towards Your Goals

With more than 8 weeks into 2015, the time has come when most people would have already bailed on their resolutions. Today I’m here to encourage you to override that urge to quit and stay motivated with these nine ways.

9 Tips To Stay Motivated

Remember Why You Started: In the middle of a workout, it can be hard to push through another set of lunges, squats or dead lifts. Don’t let the difficulty stop you. Remember why you’re there in the first place; the resolution you made at the beginning of the year, the desire to be healthier than you’ve ever been, the plan to trim extra pounds off your frame. Whatever the reason, set this on focus to stay the course.


Speak Positive Truths: A few weeks earlier when you felt like giving up, you could take on the world. In that mindset, you were constantly telling yourself that you could take on whatever showed was at the gym. What’s different now? Remind yourself over and over that you can do it! Then take your words to your heart and get back on the treadmill and under the barbell.

Stay Focused: Like everything else in life, the desire to workout comes in waves. Yesterday, there was nothing you’d rather do. Today, working out is the last thing you would do if given a choice. So don’t give yourself a choice because as difficult as it may be today, once you knock out this routine, tomorrow may be the day you fall in love with exercise all over again.


Play It Loud: Having problems staying focused in the gym? Get back on track with your earphones and turning up your favorite workout tracks. By being alone with your own thoughts and making it loud enough to drown out the distracting noises all around you, may get you more engaged in your routine and have greater endurance during the workout.

They Expect You To Quit: Over the years, you may have made big plans. Whether to travel the world, change the world, drop a bad habit, or pick up a good one, your friends have seen you fail at more than one attempt. Or maybe they’ve failed at their own attempts. Walking away from one workout may not seem like a big deal, but it can lead to a lifetime of walking away, ultimately proving the naysayers right.


Look At The Ladies Or The Guys: Whoever gives you motivation to look and feel good, keep them in mind when you feel like giving up. Married with kids? Keep your spouse in mind. Because while you may have already landed the best-looking guy or girl around, nothing says, “I love you” like continued dedication to look your best for your better half.

Eat Well: Getting fit and losing weight often go hand in hand. However, if you think you can increase your fitness while also cutting the calories you’re consuming, you may be mistaken. If your body doesn’t get enough good fuel, you’re not going to feel like doing much of anything, especially rigorous exercise. So be sure to fuel up properly before and after your workout to get the best out of your routine.


Get To Bed: No matter what time of the day you workout, you’re going to fall flat if you don’t get the sleep you need. Not only does sleep give you energy to get through the day, but it also helps keep your body in rhythm so it reacts properly when pushed. Hit the bed at a decent hour each night and watch your urge to quit go away like a bad dream.

Picture The New You: I know you can see it. You, at your goal weight, tight, trim and looking like a million bucks. Don’t lose sight of this picture, until it becomes the reality that you see in the mirror every day. You have what it takes to become your best self, I know this because I’ve seen scores of my clients before they achieve greatness. Don’t lose sight of your potential, I know I won’t.


Staying motivated may seem difficult but once you can push yourself, you will be able conquer all your challenges. Stay strong willed and determined; that is the most important aspect in achieving your goals. And remember winners never quit and quitters never win.

Come in for your free consultation. If you aren’t one of my clients, then take this opportunity to do something wonderful for yourself. Contact me today to get started on the most effective fitness program that you’ll ever find.

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