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7 Things Better than Drugs for Health and Healing

Written By: Sayer Ji

7 Things Better than Drugs for Health and Healing

Natural medicine is an amazing field, full of inspiring stories and an ever-accumulating body of scientific research to support its increasingly popular view of health.


In fact, at we specialize in dredging up from the National Library of Medicine’s 23-million citation deep, seemingly oceanic database, highly promising clinical pearlsindicating not only the value of natural substances in disease prevention and treatment, but sometimes their clear superiority versus drugs. What’s not to like about that?

But our project, and natural medicine at large, is not without its challenges, one of which is that it is quite easy to get caught up in the allopathic model of treating surface symptoms, albeit naturally.  This ‘natural allopathy,’ if you will, entices people to look for ‘natural cure’ shortcuts and Band-Aids instead of address the deeper issues associated with avoiding, limiting and addressing environmental exposures, reducing stress, and improving diet and exercise, for instance. In a culture that pops hundreds of millions of doses of drugs and supplements on a daily basis, it is increasingly difficult to break free from the powerful psychological pull to ingestsomething — be it a natural or synthetic “magic pill”; its effects real or imagined — instead of address the underlying problems.


This is also why part of our project is to identify peer-reviewed published research from biomedical journals indicating that there are therapeutic actions, from walking to yoga, dietary changes to exercising, that are at least as effective and often superior to conventional drug-based treatments.

So, here is a good smattering of data that edifies the notion that sometimes, we do not need to “take anything” to stimulate our body’s innate self-healing abilities, as non-invasive therapies – including doing nothing (i.e. watchful waiting) — can accomplish favorable results:



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