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7 Common Cat Toilet Training Problems And Solutions

Toilet training a cat is one of the more easier things to do when it comes to pets. Unlike dogs, cats don’t need to go outside for regular walks to relieve themselves, and this makes them very likable pets. Their independence and ability for self-care is one of the main characteristics that draws people to adopt them. Sometimes though, cats can have a few problems when it comes to toilet training and litter box usage. Some of the most common litter box problems are outlined below:

1. No Litter Box Training


If you have just got a new kitten home, she might come to you potty trained. However, if she isn’t yet, it isn’t a difficult thing to do. Leave a clean litter box with fresh sand in one room that includes some food and water for her. Cats naturally prefer to bury their waste, which means you don’t have to train them to do anything. It could take a couple of days for a cat to learn to defecate in the litter box, but once she understands, she won’t turn back.

2. Peeing Outside The Litter Box


If you notice your cat peeing outside the litter box, it could be because of behavioral problems or health issues. Your cat might find the litter box too small or too dirty to use, so it’s always important to clean out the box at least once a day. It is also important to change the sand in the litter box at regular intervals. However, if none of these solutions work, it might be a medical issue and you will be required to visit a vet.

3. Spraying


Cats are very territorial creatures, especially male cats, and use urine to mark what they believe is their space. They tend to like vertical spaces more, so your walls and your curtains usually take the first hit. If your male cat is not neutered, it would be advisable to do so to stop this behavior. Cats also spray because of stress. If this is the case, removing your cat from a stressful place and helping him to calm down will help both of you.

4. Not Covering The Poop


This is a relatively small problem when compared to the rest, but it can still be troubling as the stench can be quite strong. Firstly, rule out any medical problems, such as hurt or painful paws or painful defecation. Your cat could also be doing this because of the sand quality, so try out different kinds of sands until your cat feels comfortable using a particular one.

5. Sand Outside The Litter Box


You might find the area around your litter box spilled with sand after your cat’s use. Though this isn’t too much of a problem, it can be annoying to have to clean up each time your cat needs to use the bathroom. Replacing the litter box with another one that has higher sides or is covered up can solve this problem, and helping your cat transition from one box to another for a few days can make this easier for her.

6. Multiple Cats And Litter Boxes At Home


Most cat people adopt more than one cat for their household, which means that there need to be multiple litter boxes around the house. The general rule is 1+1. For each cat, you need to have one litter box plus another one. The problem arises when older cats become territorial about their boxes and intimidate the younger cats into not using the box. These tensions need to be kept in mind, and having extra litter boxes all around the house can make it easier for younger cats to transition into the new premises.

7. Trouble Urinating


If your cat has any trouble urinating, it raises a red flag that requires immediate medical attention. The urine can build up toxins in the body, and can be deadly if it isn’t attended to as soon as possible. All cats are susceptible to urinary obstruction, so paying attention to your cat’s toilet behavior can help to understand if your cat is healthy.

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