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3 Ways to Build a Healthier Relationship with Food

3 Ways to Build a Healthier Relationship with Food

3 Ways to Build a Healthier Relationship with Food

1. Create a self-care routine in the morning.

This will be different for each person, but do something in the morning that’s going to set you up for a positive day filled with self-love. Whether that be moving your body with exercise, getting in tune with your inner guide through meditation, reading a positive book for 10 minutes, relaxing during a 15 minute shower, or journaling – do it and commit to it. I like to call this getting in touch with your ‘ness’ – hence why this blog is called Jess’ness Required. Anything that activates your true inner self of love is your ‘ness.’ I find when you prepare yourself for a positive day you are more likely to nurture yourself and make healthy choices with food & health in general.


Here is a video for one of the ways I keep in touch with my ‘ness – I’ve been doing this meditation in the mornings, and I’m lovin’ it:

2. Find what works for you.


When I first was getting into health & wellness I would literally drowned myself in information – what’s working for others, how they workout, when, why and with who. How they eat, what they eat, when, how much of it, where they buy it, the list goes on. I still get into the ‘information overload’ cycle at times but I’m much more aware now of when I need to take a step back and focus on what it is I NEED. Listening to your body takes patience, take note of what foods make you feel best, which foods give you the most energy, and which foods do the opposite. This will strengthen your food relationship, and like every relationship communication is key, be willing to listen and open for your body’s messages.

3. Experiment.


Don’t be afraid to switch up your diet – this is the only way to get to know what your unique body needs. We are constantly evolving and changing – the things that felt good to us when we were kids won’t work and taste as good now so grab the goggles – zip up the white coat and get to work! Try not to be intimidated with fancy recipes and keep them simple – if frozen veg works for you, awesome! There will always be some fancy shpancy recipe that needs 500 different speciality tools – work with what you’ve got and know you are making healthy choices in the best way you can.

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