5 Yoga Poses For Improved Fertility In Women

Yoga Poses For Improved Fertility In Women

Infertility is a common issue a lot of couples of this generation are having to face. And it seems like lifestyle is the primary factor contributing to it in both men and women. Long working hours, odd shifts, a sedentary lifestyle, and highly demanding schedules all contribute to a lot of stress. And stress, in combination with anxiety, has been the reason for a lot of health problems in the recent past, including infertility.

Wondering what you can do to reduce stress and increase your chances of conceiving naturally? Try yoga. Practicing it doesn’t ensure conception but is said to improve the chances and fertility rate.


How Does Yoga Improve Fertility?

There’s no doubt that yoga is great for your overall health. That said, it also helps those women who are trying to conceive in many ways:

  • Helps develop a hospitable environment for a baby
  • Alleviates any stress or anxiety
  • Stimulates your ovaries and uterus
  • Makes your hips and groin flexible
  • Improves blood flow to your reproductory organs
  • Strengthens your back muscles and makes the spine more flexible
  • Reduces mood swings

Now that you know how yoga can benefit you, here are 5 yoga poses you can try.


5 Yoga Poses To Improve Fertility In Women

1. Seated Forward Bend Pose (Paschimottasana)

Do The Seated Forward Bend Pose To Stimulate Your Ovaries And Uterus And Hence Improve Fertility

This pose is said to stimulate the ovaries and uterus and relieve any stress you may be experiencing. It also stretches the lower back, hamstrings, and hips.

  • Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you. Keep your spine erect.
  • While breathing in, raise your arms slowly upward and stretch.
  • Then, bend forward at your hips and bring your arms toward your toes while breathing out. Keep your back straight while doing this.
  • Try and touch your toes without exerting yourself too much. If you can touch them, pull them and bend forward.
  • While breathing in, lift your head and stretch your spine slightly. While breathing out, move your stomach toward your knees gently. Repeat this step a few times.
  • Drop your head and take a few deep breaths for about 20 seconds to 1 minute.
  • While breathing in, slowly move back to the seated position.
  • Breathe out and lower your arms.

2. Standing Forward Bend Pose (Hastapadasana)

The Standing Forward Bend Pose Is Said To Improve Blood Flow To The Pelvic Area And Relieve Any Stress You Have, Improving Fertility

This pose stretches the back muscles and makes the spine more flexible. It also improves blood supply to your pelvic area and relieves any stress you may have.

  • Stand straight with your feet together and arms on the sides.
  • While breathing in, stretch out your arms in front of you.
  • Bend down and forward while breathing out.
  • Stay in this posture for about 20–30 seconds and keep taking deep breaths.
  • Then, move your chest toward your knees while breathing out and lift your hips high.
  • Then, while taking deep breaths, move your head slowly toward your feet.
  • Slowly stretch your arms and come to the standing position.
  • Then, bring your arms to the side and relax.

3. Legs Up The Wall Pose (Viparita Karani)

The Legs Up The Wall Pose Improves Blood Flow To The Pelvic Region And Hence Improves Fertility

This pose is great for improving blood flow to the pelvic region.

  • Place something against the wall to support yourself while doing this pose.
  • Then, lie down next to the wall with your left side along it.
  • Slowly turn and raise your legs against the wall.
  • Ensure that your hips and lower back are being supported by the object you’ve placed for support.
  • Keep your head and shoulders on the floor and your palms on either side of your head facing upward.
  • Take deep breaths while holding this pose for about 5 minutes.
  • Then, go back to the initial position and relax.

4. One Legged Forward Bend Pose (Janu Shirasasana)

The One Legged Forward Bend Pose Strengthens Your Back Muscles, Relieves Tension In Your Lower Back, And Improves Fertility

This pose is said to be great for strengthening back muscles and relieving any tension you may have in your lower back.

  • Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you and your back straight.
  • Bend your left knee and place your left foot against your right thigh.
  • While breathing in, raise your arms above your head and stretch upward.
  • Then, bend forward at your hips while breathing out. Keep your back straight and try to hold on to your big toes, pointing your elbows downward.
  • Hold this position and continue to take deep breaths.
  • Then, slowly move back up and bring your arms to the sides.
  • Repeat the steps with your left knee against your left thigh.

5. Bee Breathing Technique (Bhramari Pranayama)

The Bee Breathing Technique Results In Vibrations, Which Calm Your Mind And Body And Hence Alleviate Stress And Improve Fertility

This breathing technique gets its name from the black Indian bee called Bhramari. It is great for calming the mind and body when you’re tensed or angry. The vibrations you experience while practicing the technique cause the calming effect.

  • Sit in a quiet, well-ventilated place with your eyes closed. Smile gently while doing this.
  • Pay close attention to what’s happening in your body while keeping your eyes closed.
  • Then, place your index fingers on the cartilage between your cheek and ear.
  • Take a deep breath and gently press the cartilage when you breathe out.
  • Then, press it in and out with your fingers. This will cause a buzzing-bee-like sound.
  • Continue taking deep breaths and repeat the steps a few times.

Doing these yoga poses will improve your overall health and alleviate your stress. This, in turn, will improve your fertility and increase your chances of conceiving.