Why Yoga On An Empty Stomach Is Good

Why Yoga On An Empty Stomach Is Good
Why Yoga On An Empty Stomach Is Good

Renowned yoga gurus have all advised to do yoga on an empty stomach. The word yoga itself comes from the Sanskrit word yuj, which means to yoke, join, or unite. Having food in the digestive system can interrupt with the rhythm of the body while doing yoga. Anything that is not a part of your body should be removed as much as possible. The food in your body and the stool produced should be emptied to gain the maximum benefit out of your yoga practice.While practicing yoga, your energy will be focused on the various yogic poses and transitions. Thus the capacity of the digestive system becomes restricted or limited to manage the process of digestion. Food in the digestive system may also cause nausea, bloating or gas during practice. But if our stomach is empty and clean, then the energy will be centralized towards the various yogic poses, thus maximizing the outcome and the benefit from your yoga session.

  • If food is in our system while practicing yoga, the different twists and bends may cause various complications in our gastrointestinal tract, especially for people with digestive disorders like diverticulosis (condition that develops when pouches form in the wall of the colon).
  • For those practicing yoga for weight loss, eating before practice may have the opposite undesirable effect. Practicing on an empty stomach will provide the chance to efficiently harness the energy from the energy reserves of our body such as muscles, liver, and body fat.  Thus it encourages the body to efficiently burn those extra calories.
  • A light stomach also helps you follow your asana practice more easily.

Healthy eating habits during yoga practice

  • The ideal time to do yoga is early morning on an empty stomach and it is preferable to clear the bowel as well.
  • If you are habituated to drinking bed tea, you may drink just half a cup. Though it is better to slowly start avoiding drinking tea or other beverages before yoga.
  • You should consider doing your yoga 3 to 4 hours after a heavy meal, 1 to 2 hours after a light meal, 45 minutes after tea, juice or fresh fruits and 15 minutes after drinking water.
  • Avoid heavy foods such as fried foods, meats, processed grains before yoga class.
  • Avoid spicy foods prior to your yoga session as it may cause severe heartburn.