9 Reasons Why You’re Seeing White Specks In Your Poop

If you’ve been paying close attention to your poop and see white globs in it, you might be wondering what they are. Poop isn’t something we like to think about a lot, but it actually holds a huge amount of information. You can pretty much tell exactly what’s going on inside your body by examining your poop. White specks in poop can be completely harmless, but there are certain instances where they can signal deeper health issues. Here are nine possible reasons why there are white spots in your poop.

1. Candida

Why there are white specks in your poop

A fungal infection like candida could account for the white spots in your poo. When candida grows unchecked in your body, it can show up as white spots on your tongue and other parts. Itching around your vagina is also a symptom of a candida infection. It isn’t uncommon for this infection to travel in your poop. If your poop has a white gel-like substance on it, it could be a sign of a candida infection. If you’ve been taking antibiotics, are on chemotherapy or other medications that lower your immunity, your chances of developing a candida infection are very high.

2. Worms

Overgrowth of candida can cause white specks

As much as the thought of little parasites living inside you grosses you out, worms are a very common reason for white spots in stools. Parasites like tapeworm can attach themselves to the lining of your intestine, lay eggs and multiply. If you’ve been losing weight for no apparent reason and are seeing white bits in your poop, you might have worms. Visit your doctor so he can take samples and give you medication.

3. Fatty Stools

 Inability to absorb fat can make it come out in your poop

When your body is unable to process fat, it eliminates it through your poop. If your body isn’t producing enough bile to absorb all the fat, you might start noticing white blobs in your poop. Fatty stools usually are a pale yellow color, with visible white specks in them. They can arise due to a number of medical conditions, but are also very common after a night of heavy drinking.

4. Medication

If you’ve been taking special medication of late, that might explain why there are white specks in your stool. Aluminium hydroxide, for example, is a common ingredient in antacids. This chemical can affect your stools, causing it to look pale with white spots on it. Capsules can also cause white specks in your poop. These are usually what’s left of the capsule casing and are rarely ever serious.

5. Celiac Disease

Excess mucus because of irritation can cause white globs

One of the common symptoms of celiac disease are white specks in your poop. When you have celiac disease, your body isn’t able to digest certain proteins, gluten in particular. Because of this, your immune system recognizes gluten as a threat and begins to attack your small intestine. The food you eat isn’t able to be digested fully, which can lead to partially digested food coming out in your poop in the form of white bits.

6. Mucus

Certain conditions like Crohn’s disease, celiac disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) can irritate the lining of your intestines, causing them to produce more mucus. Mucus is essential for the smooth functioning of your intestines, but if your body is producing too much, it might come out in your poop. If you notice a pale white fluid in your poop, then it might be excess mucus. If the problem persists, visit your doctor.

7. Digestive Issues

If your digestive system is not functioning properly, you might notice a change in your stool. Constipation doesn’t directly cause white specks, but it can lead up to it. When you’re constipated, undigested food builds up in your small intestine. When it finally comes out, the undigested material will look like white specks. White specks can also occur when you eat food your body cannot digest fully.

8. Gallstones

Cholesterol or bilirubin in the gallbladder can lead to the formation of gallstones. A small duct connects the gallbladder and the liver, through which bile travels. Sometimes, gallstones can block this duct and prevent bile from reaching your digestive system. This can hamper your digestive system’s ability to absorb fat and other nutrients, leading to white spots in your poop.

9. Pancreatitis

The pancreas is the organ responsible for producing enzymes that help in the absorption of sugar. If it gets inflamed or infected, a condition called pancreatitis, it might not be able to stimulate the production of these enzymes. Because of this, your body might not be able to process certain fats and sugar, which ultimately make their way into your poop.