When Should You Not Have Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is made by fermentation of apples using yeast and bacteria to form acetic acid. It promotes various health benefits. Consuming 30 ml of ACV per day reduces blood sugar levels, aids weight loss, improves good cholesterol levels, manages blood pressure, relieves allergies, detoxes the body, and so on.

However, not everyone can consume ACV every day and in similar amounts. Various preexisting conditions impact the action of ACV in the body, which in some cases, could also be detrimental to health. Mentioned below are such scenarios when one should not be consuming ACV.


When Should One Not Have Apple Cider Vinegar

1. If You Have Low Potassium Levels

Avoid ACV if you have low potassium

Acetic acid present in ACV reduces the potassium levels in the body. Thus, if you already have low amounts of potassium, it is good to avoid ACV. Continuing the consumption could lead to conditions like muscle weakness, constipation, fatigue, arrhythmia, and in severe cases – paralysis.


One study showed that long-term and overconsumption of ACV (approx 250 ml per day for 6 years) caused severe loss of potassium and osteoporosis in a woman. Her bones had high acid and low mineral content.

2. If You Have A Throat Infection

Avoid ACV if you have throat infection


ACV has the potential to cause burns in the mucus membrane of esophagus and throat. If you are suffering from a throat infection, avoid consuming ACV as it can further worsen the situation. Especially in children, the acetic acid in ACV has a severe impact.

It is, therefore, always advised to dilute ACV in water before consuming it. If you are taking it in a tablet form, drink enough water and ensure you do not choke on it. As, one study revealed severe burns in the throat of a woman, when it was lodged with ACV tablet.


3. If You Have Diabetes

Avoid ACV if you have diabetes

ACV though has diabetes-benefitting properties like improving insulin sensitivity and lowering blood sugar level, might not be completely safe for consumption. If you are already taking medications for diabetes, check with your doctor on ACV intake, as it can trigger hypoglycemia. It is the condition in which your blood sugar levels are too low and could trigger severe complications.


4. If You Have A Problem With Blood Clotting

Avoid ACV if you have a problem with blood clotting

ACV is an active anticoagulant (retards coagulation of blood). So, if you have a problem with clotting of the blood and are on blood thinners for the same, avoid ACV. Blood thinners are also suggested if you are diagnosed with certain cardiovascular diseases. Even in this case, it is best to consult with your doctor before consuming ACV. If ignored, and you come across an injury, it could lead to spontaneous bleeding or hemorrhage.


5. If You Have Teeth Sensitivity

Don't have ACV if you teeth sensitivity

The acidic properties of ACV further worsen the condition of teeth sensitivity, if you are already prone to it. The acids lead to the erosion of enamel, apart from giving your teeth a yellowish tinge.


Again, dilution is the key. It is also advised to brush your teeth every time you consume ACV.

6. If You Are Taking These Medications

Avoid ACV if you take certain medication

ACV interferes with the action of certain medications and should be strictly avoided if you are taking them. Some of them are digoxin, diuretics, and diabetes medications. Digoxin is prescribed to lower potassium levels, and ACV interacts with it further by dragging down the levels significantly. Diuretics are prescribed to increase the amount of water and salt to be expelled from the body, usually in case of hypertension.

7. If You Are Pregnant Or Breastfeeding

Avoid ACV if you are pregnant or breastfeeding

The exact functioning of ACV in pregnant women and the fetus is still under research. Since the impacts are unknown, it is best to avoid ACV. Even when breastfeeding, ACV is unfit for consumption.

To be on a safer side, it is best to consult with your doctor before starting on regular consumption of ACV.