What You Need To Know About Airway Reflux

Airway reflux, or laryngopharyngeal reflux, is a condition in which the contents of your stomach escapes and enters the airways. It is different from acid reflux because it does not cause any heartburn, and it is not caused by the liquid content of your stomach. Airway reflux has a gaseous form, a fine mist almost microscopic in nature. Due to this reason, airway reflux is very difficult to detect. Doctors require special equipment, which did not exist until recently, to diagnose the condition. Since people are now aware of this dangerous and sneaky disease, more studies are being conducted on it.

The most common symptoms of airway reflux include chronic dry cough, sore throat, hoarseness, and even asthma. Since these symptoms are similar to those of allergies or respiratory problems, it makes the condition difficult to diagnose. But if airway reflux is not treated on time, it can lead to serious consequences, including cancer. So, if you do suspect airway reflux, you can talk to your doctor and ask them for a referral to an otolaryngologist. You should also try some of the following methods to keep the disease at bay.


1. Don’t Eat Too Close To Bedtime

Those who suffer from airway reflux usually feel the hoarseness in their throat in the morning

Those who suffer from airway reflux usually feel the hoarseness in their throat in the morning. This is usually a result of going to bed soon after eating. Since the stomach works very slowly during sleep, the undigested food remains in the stomach the entire night. And since the body produces less saliva during sleep, there is not enough saliva to neutralize the reflux. You should make it a point to eat at least 3 hours before you go to bed to be on the safe side.

2. Do Not Consume Too Much Caffeine And Chocolate

Caffeine and chocolate cause the lower esophageal sphincter to relax

Caffeine and chocolate cause the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which is a muscle that separates the stomach and the esophagus, to relax. This makes airway reflux more frequent. So it is much better to avoid these food items or to consume less of them if you want to avoid airway reflux.

3. Do Not Overeat

Your LES is a muscle that does not become stronger the more you challenge it

It is difficult not to overindulge in your favorite foods, but your stomach can only handle a limited quantity of food. If you eat too much, the pressure can cause the LES to open, letting food and other gases back up into the esophagus. Your LES is a muscle that does not become stronger the more you challenge it. In fact, continuously stressing it by overeating will weaken it over time. So try to eat smaller but more frequent meals instead of large, heavy ones.

4. Stay Away From Sodas

Sodas are acidic drinks what are extremely bad for you if you suffer from airway reflux

Sodas are acidic drinks what are extremely bad for you if you suffer from airway reflux. Sodas and other fizzy drinks are as acidic as lemon juice but do not taste so because of all the added sugars. The increased acidity of the reflux can result in more damage to your airways. Even fruit juices are quite acidic with the exception of bananas, melons, and coconuts. So choose your drink wisely if you want to keep airway reflux at bay.

5. Drink Alkaline Water

You can counteract the effects of pepsin by drinking alkaline water

The reflux that enters your airways contains an enzyme called pepsin, which ends up damaging the cells present there. You can counteract the effects of pepsin by drinking alkaline water. You just need to mix half a teaspoon of alkaline water with a glass of water in order to get alkaline water. You can take a few sips of the water or gargle with it as and when necessary, but do talk to your doctor before taking it if you have any other health issue.