What Your Natural Lip Color Says About Your Health

What’s the fuss about lips, right? Yes, more than being just a perfect addition to your beautiful appearance, lips have a greater role. In traditional Chinese medicine, your mouth is considered a window to your health. The natural color of your lips, thus, speaks about your health. The status of your blood, internal organs, and the body temperature get reflected in the color of your lips. By analyzing the color of your lips, you can easily recognize if something goes wrong with the functioning of your body. Here you go.

Pale, White Or Ash Gray Lips


When your friend complains about weakness or dizziness, the first thing you notice is his or her pale lips. Yes, we all know that it is a bad sign. Unfortunately, we don’t notice it until we fall sick. A pale, white or ash gray colored lips says that you are anemic, which means you lack red blood cells. Eating foods rich in iron is one way to get over anemia. Dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, dried fruit such as raisins and iron-fortified cereals and bread should have a place in your diet.

Red Lips

Red Lips

Forget about your favorite red shade of lipstick. Here, what matters is whether the natural color of your lips is bright red. Sometimes, along with bright red lips, you may also notice that you have bad breath and a strong craving for snacks. Well, experts say that your body is overheated. It also means that your liver needs help. Because one of the symptoms of a dysfunctional liver is overheating. According to Chinese medicine, when the liver works overtime, it generates too much heat within itself. Chrysanthemum tea, bitter melon, and celery are good options for you to have as part of a healthy diet. Most importantly, develop a healthy sleep pattern and stay stress-free. Red lips can also be a symptom of an allergy to some foods. Your body may have overreacted against a certain food type or a substance in your food, causing red, sometimes, swollen lips.

Purple Or Blue Lips

Purple Or Blue Lips

This is nothing new during the winter season. But if it persists for a long time, then it can be a health concern – a warning sign for your heart and respiratory system. It indicates that the blood circulation is poor. It is best to consult a doctor regarding this. A greenish color around the mouth also suggests poor blood circulation in the liver and spleen.

Dark Red To Black Lips

Dark Red To Black Lips

You should be worried about your digestive system. When lips turn dark red, it may be an indication that your digestive system is stressed. It’s time to keep your tummy clean from toxins and embrace a tummy-friendly diet. As a first step, steer clear of processed and junk foods. A diet rich in fiber could help you. Wholemeal bread, beans, and oats are great sources of fiber. Also, reach for a glass of lemon water as it can detox your body.

Purple Black Line Around Lips

Purple Black Line Around Lips


Don’t take it as a natural lip liner with a good shade. In fact, it shows the energetic imbalance in your body. Your body lacks neutral foods to re-balance the two naturally occurring forces — yin and yang, the underlying principles of Chinese medicine. Good health is believed to come from the balance of Yin (negative) and Yang (positive). A few days’ rest and observing your food pattern are good ways to deal with it. Again, don’t stress too much as it will have a negative effect on your body.

Natural Rosy Pink Lips


Congrats! You have done justice to your body. A natural rosy pink is nothing but a healthy sign.