10 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Bad Breath Using Cinnamon

A bad breath in the morning before brushing is normal, but it is not normal to have a bad breath throughout the day. An obvious cause of bad breath is eating strong odorous foods like garlic. Other reasons include poor dental hygiene, infection in the mouth, use of tobacco products like cigarettes, food particles in the mouth, and others.

Chewing a gum may only provide temporary relief from bad breath. If you want to get rid of bad breath permanently, there is a natural solution for it – cinnamon.


Let’s examine the different ways you can use cinnamon to get rid of bad breath.

10 Ways To Use Cinnamon For Bad Breath

1. Cinnamon Tea

Cinnamon Tea Can Help Fight Bad Breath


Cinnamon contains cinnamic aldehyde that is a kind of essential oil that helps to get rid of bad breath.

How To Prepare

  • Boil a cup of water and add a teaspoon of cinnamon powder or a few sticks of cinnamon to it.
  • Cover the tea and let it simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Strain the tea and drink it warm.
  • You can drink 2–3 cups of this tea every day.
  • You can also use this as a mouthwash – once in the morning and once at night.

2. Cinnamon Oil

Cinnamon Oil Can Help Fight Bad Breath

Along with eliminating bad breath, cinnamon can also reduce bacteria present in the saliva.


How To Prepare

  • Add 10 drops of cinnamon oil to a glass of water.
  • Rinse your mouth thoroughly with this solution.
  • Make sure you don’t ingest it and spit it out after rinsing.
  • You can follow these steps twice a day to get rid of bad breath.

3. Cinnamon Tea And Ginger

Cinnamon Tea And Ginger Can Help Fight Bad Breath


Ginger can fight infections in the gums and around the teeth that cause bad breath. It creates an alkaline medium in the mouth, making it unfavorable for bacteria and virus to survive.1

How To Prepare

  • Add a few slices of fresh ginger and 2–3 sticks of cinnamon to a glass of boiling water.
  • Let the tea simmer for 5 minutes and then, cover the tea.
  • Strain the tea and drink it warm.
  • You can drink this tea a few times during the day.

4. Cinnamon And Lemon

Cinnamon And Lemon Can Help Fight Bad Breath

Lemon is a refreshing citrus fruit that can freshen your breath. It is highly acidic and can, therefore, kill bacteria present in the mouth.


How To Prepare

  • Add a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and the juice of one lemon to a glass of water.
  • Stir this mixture thoroughly and use this to rinse your mouth daily.
  • You can rinse your mouth with this solution at least twice a day.

5. Cinnamon And Honey

Cinnamon And Honey Can Help Fight Bad Breath

Honey has antibacterial properties. The bacteria-killing components can fight bad breath.2 Honey, especially manuka honey, can be used to effectively get rid of bad breath.3

How To Prepare

  • Mix two tablespoons of honey and one tablespoon of cinnamon powder.
  • Consume a teaspoon of this mixture every day.
  • You can have this mixture 2–3 times a day to keep your breath fresh.

6. Cinnamon Tea And Clove

Cinnamon Tea And Clove Can Help Fight Bad Breath

Clove is an effective antiseptic that can fight bad breath.4

How To Prepare

  • Add a teaspoon each of freshly ground cloves and cinnamon to a cup of boiling water.
  • Let this tea simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Strain the tea and drink it warm.
  • You can have this tea twice a day.

7. Cinnamon And Fennel

Cinnamon And Fennel Can Help Fight Bad Breath

Fennel possesses antimicrobial properties that can combat bad breath. It can also stimulate saliva production in your mouth.

How To Prepare

  • Add a tablespoon of fennel and a few cinnamon sticks to a glass of water.
  • Let this soak in water overnight.
  • Strain the water and drink it the following morning.
  • You can have this once a day.

8. Cinnamon And Parsley

A Juice Of Cinnamon And Parsley Can Help Fight Bad Breath

Parsley and parsley oil can help fight bad breath. Parsley leaves along with parsley oil or sunflower oil is an effective method to fight bad breath.5

How To Prepare

  • Blend a cup of freshly chopped parsley leaves in a blender.
  • Add a teaspoon of cinnamon to this parsley juice and stir well.
  • You can drink 1–2 glasses of this juice a day.

9. Cinnamon And Apple Cider Vinegar

Cinnamon And Apple Cider Vinegar Can Help Fight Bad Breath

Rinsing your mouth will apple cider vinegar can help whiten your teeth and can also remove oral bacteria present in the mouth.6

How To Prepare

  • Mix a tablespoon each of apple cider vinegar and cinnamon powder in a glass of water.
  • Rinse your mouth after every meal using this water.

10. Cinnamon And Baking Soda

Cinnamon And Baking Soda Can Help Fight Bad Breath

Baking soda helps to maintain the pH in your mouth, thereby making it unfavorable for bacteria to survive.

How To Prepare

  • Add a teaspoon of baking soda and a teaspoon of cinnamon in a bowl.
  • Add enough water to this mixture to make a paste.
  • Brush your teeth with this paste twice a day – in the morning and at night.


  • Those allergic to cinnamon should not use these natural remedies to get rid of bad breath.
  • Cinnamon has blood-thinning effects; therefore, it may interfere with blood-thinning medications.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult a doctor before using cinnamon.
  • Persistent bad breath may be a symptom of a more serious condition. It is advised to consult a doctor.
