5 Things To Avoid When Taking Care Of Your Vagina

It's important to know how to take care of the vaginal area correctly.

Our lady parts can be a mystery even to us, and not all of us are completely knowledgeable about it. For example, a lot of women still believe that everything down there is called the vagina, when the vagina is actually the internal organ, and the collection of external organs including the labia, clitoris and the opening to the vagina is known as the vulva. This certainly isn’t common knowledge, and knowing how to properly take care of the area might also not be common knowledge. Every woman faces some sort of discomfort with their lady parts, be it itching, redness, painful sex, excessive discharge or rawness among other types of problem. While some of these may be due to factors we cannot control, such as a yeast infection, some of the problems may also arise because of improper care. Below are some important things to remember that can help to take care of our vaginal health in a better way:

1. No Feminine Hygiene Products

Feminine hygiene products can cause the skin to become irritated.


There are hundreds of products on the market that promise you your area is going to be cleaner and smell much better after you use them, but these products are also entirely unnecessary. These products contain chemicals, fragrances, dyes and anti-itch anesthetics that don’t do anything, and can even cause an allergic reaction in the area. The skin in the vulva is much thinner than other parts of the body, which makes it much more sensitive to external agents. You vaginal area can function well with just water, and doesn’t need anything extra.

2. Use Of Lubes

Lubes can be great, but anything that has extra ingredients can cause irritation.

Lubes are a great option for women who have persistent dryness, and can make a necessary addition to their sex life. They can be either water based, oil based or silicone based, and each has its advantages and disadvantages. While oil based and silicone based lubes can keep the area slippery for a long time, they tend to stain clothes and sheets. Water based oils can dry out easily, but can also be washed away easily. It’s important to stay away from anything that have dyes, flavors, perfumes or ingredients that claim to give you a warm or tingling sensation, as these can lead to skin irritation afterwards.

3. Be Wary Of Lingerie

Synthetic materials can cause sensitive skin to swell up or become irritated.

Cute and sexy lingerie is one of the best parts of being a woman, but some types of underwear can do more harm than good. Unbleached, cotton underwear is the best option to keep your vagina in its best health because it lets the area breathe. Underwear that comes with synthetic fabric can irritate sensitive skin, and underwear with elastic can cause problems for those who are allergic to rubber. Thongs can be great to hide visible panty lines, but they can lead to infections and irritation because they rub the area, and can even cause an intermingling of debris from the anal area in the vaginal area, which can lead to painful infections.

4. Hair Removal Methods

Choose the healthiest way to remove hair.

Hair removal seems like a good thing to do because it lets us be more free sexually, and can also be more comfortable since all the hair is gone. When done incorrectly though, it can lead to a lot of problems. We keep our razor in the bathroom, which can have a moist environment which is a potent breeding ground for bacteria, and lead to a bad infection if we cut ourselves. Depilatories can come with harsh hair dissolving chemicals that can irritate the vulvar skin, and if waxing is done incorrectly, it can lead to skin burning (which is as painful as it sounds). The best thing to do is to opt for laser hair removal, or trim the hair to be really short with small scissors.

5. Too Much Cleaning

There is no need to use extra soap when cleaning the area.

The vulva is naturally designed to secrete thick oils that protect the delicate skin different secretions and friction it has to go through every day. We might feel like using cleaning agents like douches or body washes can give our area the extra scrubbing it needs, but these agents can scrub away the natural oils that the vulva needs to keep the area free from irritation. In fact, harsh agents can also remove the good bacteria that help to maintain the right pH balance, and make more room for infection and odor causing bacteria. Using warm water to clean the area with your hands is enough.