How To Use Coconut Oil For Yeast Infection

Ways to use coconut oil for yeast infection.

The itching, burning sensation and other discomforts that come with a yeast infection are never a pleasant experience. Even though there are many over-the-counter medicines available to treat yeast infections, home remedies are considered safe and effective. Coconut oil is one such home remedy, which can keep yeast infection at bay. Before we tell you how coconut oil is beneficial, you need to know more about the way a yeast infection gets into your body.

Causes Of Yeast Infection

 Overgrowth of candida leads to yeast infection.

Yeast infection is caused by candida, a fungus that lives in your body. In normal circumstances, your immune system keeps them under control. But, when you are sick or when you take antibiotics they may multiply, causing you an infection. An infection can occur in any part of your body like skin, intestine, mouth, and vagina. Redness, swelling, and itching are some of the symptoms of yeast infection. Let’s see how coconut oil could help you get over an infection.

How Can Coconut Oil Fight Infection

 The antimicrobial properties of coconut oil fight yeast infection.

The antimicrobial properties of coconut oil can work against species of candida. Thus, the antifungal activity of coconut oil makes it efficient in treating fungal infections. It is also found that less amount of coconut oil is needed to treat an infection compared to fluconazole, which is an antifungal medication used for fungal infection. The three ingredients in coconut oil – lauric, capric, and caprylic acid are known for their antiviral properties. They can also enhance your immune system that will take care of yeast overgrowth. Here are a few ways to treat your yeast infection with coconut oil.

Treating Skin Infection

Apply coconut oil on the infected area to treat yeast infection.

Topical Application: Apply coconut oil on the skin or skin fold where you have a yeast infection and leave it to dry.

Apply Coconut Oil With Oregano Oil: Mix equal amounts of coconut oil and oregano oil. Apply it on the infected area and leave it to dry. Repeat the process two or three times a day. The antifungal effects of oregano oil along with coconut oil will have a positive impact on the infection.

Apply Coconut Oil With Cinnamon Oil: Blend coconut oil and cinnamon oil in equal amounts. Apply it on the affected area. You can apply the mixture two or three times a day till you get relief from the infection.

Treating Vaginal Yeast Infection

Use a tampon soaked in coconut oil to cure yeast infection.

Topical Application: Clean your affected area. Make sure the area is dry. Apply coconut oil on the infected area. You can repeat the process twice or thrice a day.

Use Coconut Oil Tampon: Apply coconut oil to a clean tampon. You can soak the tampon in coconut oil for some time. Insert the tampon into the vagina. Leave it overnight. Or you can remove it after 7-8 hours. After use, clean your vagina and keep it dry.

Try Oil Bath: Fill your bathtub with lukewarm water. Mix a few drops of coconut oil into the water. Soak in it for some time. You can repeat the process whenever necessary.

Treating Oral Thrush

Swish coconut oil for ten seconds to reduce oral thrush.

Swish Coconut Oil: Melt 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil. It should be warm enough for you to swish. Spit coconut oil after swishing for 10 seconds. You should refrain from eating or drinking anything for 30 minutes after swishing.

Do not try any of these home remedies if you are not sure of a yeast infection. Also, do not mix medicines with home remedies. Make sure that you buy organic virgin coconut oil for the treatment. After applying coconut oil on your skin, if the redness or itching increases you may be allergic to coconut oil. It is best to stop using coconut oil if you are allergic to it. If you suffer from frequent episodes of yeast infection, then you should talk to your doctor.