Turmeric: In Which Form Is It Best Used?

Turmeric can be used in the form of powder and turmeric tincture.)

When turmeric was initially discovered, it was used to prepare dyes and just as a coloring agent. Later, when its medicinal properties were proved, it became famous as a spice. Today, the world is developing turmeric as a supplement and focusing more on curcumin. So, the question that arises here is which one is better: turmeric or curcumin? In fact, a version of turmeric that is become popular is turmeric tincture. Turmeric tincture is made by extracting the active compounds from fresh turmeric and is prepared in glycerine or alcohol.

The bioactive ingredients found in turmeric are compounds that work as antioxidants and also, impart the bright yellow color to it. These are circuminoids, namely curcumin, bisdemethoxycurcumin, and demethoxycurcumin. Circuminoids are diarylheptanoids (chemical term) and apart from circuminoids, there are other diarylheptanoids present in turmeric as well. The volatile oil components found in turmeric are chemically called terpenes and contribute to the fragrance of turmeric.

The Advantages Of Turmeric Tincture

Read below to find out what are the advantages of turmeric tincture over turmeric powder.

1. Stable Curcumin

When turmeric tincture is prepared in alcohol, it provides a good ratio of curcumin and volatile compounds. This is because, curcumin is more stable in alcohol than in the powdered form of turmeric, which is a combination of curcuminoids.

The curcumin content for alcohol extract of turmeric is 10.23%, which is very high compared to an average of 3.5% in turmeric powder. However, you must note that the amount of curcumin in milligram might not be more in alcohol extract of turmeric.

2. Essential Oils

Essential oils in turmeric constitute 1.5% to 5% of the rhizome content and this concentration is considerably low in powdered turmeric. These oils are not only therapeutic but also, ensure a good content of curcumin.

3. Convenient To Carry

Turmeric tincture is more convenient to carry while you are on the go. A small dose itself lets you reap the therapeutic benefits of turmeric. It also makes turmeric less bitter and less pungent in taste so that it can be added to your drinks easily.

It has been found that turmeric tincture is also less adulterated than turmeric powder.

The Advantages Of Turmeric Powder

High in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, turmeric powder is safer to use

Although turmeric tincture and its benefiting properties sound appealing, the benefits of turmeric powder are no less.

1. Nutrients

With 69.4% carbohydrates, 6.3% protein, 5.1% fat, 3.5% minerals, 4% dietary fiber, and 13.1% moisture along with vitamin B complex, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin K, turmeric is rich in nutrients. These nutrients can be found in higher quantities in turmeric powder than in turmeric tincture.

2. Vital Minerals

It has been found that 2 teaspoons of turmeric powder contain 17% manganese, 10% iron, 3% copper, and 3% potassium. Apart from these minerals, turmeric is rich in calcium, phosphorus, selenium, sodium, and zinc. These minerals can easily be absorbed by the body when one uses turmeric powder while cooking one’s daily meals. Cooking with turmeric tincture is not possible.

3. No Organic Solvents

If you use organic turmeric powder, you should be sure that it is unadulterated. Turmeric powder also goes through very little processing.

4. Curcumin And Its Bioavailability

The concentration of curcumin in turmeric powder per dose is less when compared with turmeric tincture. However, when turmeric powder is taken with enough essential oils and black pepper, its bioavailability is enhanced to a great extent.

5. Safe For Long-Term Usage

Turmeric powder is safe to use for any length of time and at any age in life. This cannot be guaranteed with turmeric tincture as it is quite concentrated and cannot be taken on a long-term basis.

Turmeric Powder Or Turmeric Tincture?

Turmeric tincture helps in certain medical issues, but the powder is safer.)

Both turmeric tincture and turmeric powder has its own benefits. While turmeric tincture is useful for chronic pain and inflammation, mild depression, digestive issues, and overall metabolic health, dietary turmeric or turmeric powder, when taken daily is a safer option. This is because turmeric powder does not cause any side effect when used in required quantities, and that is 8 to 12 grams daily.

If one is suffering from chronic pain and conditions such as arthritis, turmeric tincture can benefit one greatly but its use must not go on for a long period of time. Turmeric tincture cannot replace dietary turmeric, and fresh turmeric and turmeric powder can be used in cooking your daily meals, which ensures that your body receives the nutrients that turmeric has to provide daily.