6 Aging-Related Things We Don’t Really Talk About

Life is a journey marked by milestones that demarcate each phase. Ask anybody which phase they dread the most – most would say senility.

A variety of emotional and physical changes crop up as we age. The most discussed change these elixir-focused days seems to be the loss of youthful appearance. But that’s just one among the many ways we transform with age. Although these changes cannot be prevented, being well aware can help us manage them.


6 Things That Happen As We Age

1. Facial Hair Increases

facial hair increases with menopause

Although a hairy face is not really a cause for distress among the menfolk, it is for women. Thanks to plummeting estrogen levels, the testosterone hormone stimulates facial growth as we age. Many women notice dark or gray hairs sprouting on their face, particularly on the chin and around the upper lip.1


Get rid of stray hairs using a razor or a wax strip. Try not to tweeze them as that could irritate the hair follicle and cause skin soreness. Electrolysis and laser therapy can also help if the hairs are spread over a larger area.

2. Bald Patches And Hair Thinning Occur

hair loss in men and women with age


According to long-term studies, menopause is not only associated with hot flushes and vaginal dryness, but it also accelerates alopecia areata or spot baldness. In the absence of estrogen’s hair-protective effects, your hairline recedes and hair volume decreases. However, this condition is more common among senior men than women.2

It’s recommended that you customize your hair care routine to minimize chances of hair loss. Follow a good diet and make sure that you keep your scalp clean. Avoid using chemical hair products; use organic and safe ones instead for hair care.


3. Drooping Nose And Sagging Ears

nose and ears droop with aging

By the time we’re teenagers, our ears and eyes are fully developed. However, they change in shape and form with age. In most elderly people, the ears and eyes appear larger due to changes in the skin, fat, and muscle tissues. Even the structural support changes with time and overall gives them a drooping appearance.


Avoid using heavy earrings or nose rings during this period and go for lightweight jewelry if you must. The only way to slow down aging-related skin changes is by consuming foods rich in antioxidants like leafy greens, blueberries, and citrus fruits.

4. Front Teeth Begin To Protrude

tooth loss and gum problems occur with age


If you took care of your oral hygiene all your life, it will definitely reflect in the appearance of your teeth and gums in old age. People suffering from chronic gingivitis suffer from loose teeth and gum inflammation. The front teeth, in particular, seem to protrude more due to lack of support. This is also known as pathological migration.3

The only way to avoid gum disease, bad odor, and tooth loss is by maintaining good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing twice a day. Don’t forget to visit your dentist at least twice a year for some expert attention.


5. Hands And Feet Get Veiny

hands and feet show a wrinkled appearance

Your hands tend to appear more wrinkled and the veins become more prominent with age. The feet show cracked heels, corns, bunions, and hammertoes, too. The nails become brittle and very prone to fungal infections. Diabetics should take special care to avoid any injury due to a high risk of infection.4

Always wear supportive footwear that provides the right protection and support to your feet. To prevent fungal infections, keep your nails dry and avoid cuticle trimming. Dab coconut oil or essential oils like tea tree oil on the nails to get rid of the infections.

6. Holding Gets Harder By The Day

urinary incontinence happens with age

Urinary incontinence or involuntary urination is prevalent among older men and women, and many are too embarrassed to talk about it. The loss in the support of the pelvic floor muscles with age is the reason why it gets increasingly harder to exercise control on your bladder. Stress incontinence can make simple acts like laughing, sneezing or coughing difficult due to urine leakage.5

If your life is getting affected by incontinence, you need to consult a physician immediately. Lifestyle modifications and kegels can help you manage it better.

Although your body can change in various ways as you age, positive lifestyle choices can help you age gracefully. After all, feeling young and healthy is an issue of mind over matter.
