10 Best Foods For Your Heart Health To Work Into Your Diet


To stay healthy, your heart and diet must complement each other. You need to be aware of which foods you should consume in abundance that will likely save you from having heart problems. If you have already been diagnosed with high cholesterol or heart disease, a heart-smart and a heart-healthy diet can help you better manage these conditions and lower your risk for heart attack.

Thus, improving your diet is an important step toward preventing heart disease, but you may feel unsure where to begin. To get you started, here are 10 best foods for your heart-health followed by amazing recipes incorporating a variety of these heart-healthy foods to be included in your daily diet.


Healthy Food For A Healthy Heart


The root causes of heart disease, are poor nutrition, ‘bad’ dietary fat, stress, sugar and toxins. For a healthy heart, maintaining healthy eating habits is a necessity. This post covers a holistic protocol which recommends heart-healthy foods, spices, supplements and herbal remedies, which if followed for at least 3 months will bring about a substantial improvement in your heart health, including healthy blood pressure levels and lower cholesterol levels.


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Is Full Fat Essential For Heart Health?



According to cardiologists, a large number of studies claim that a diet consisting of Omega 3 fats and moderate amount of saturated fats, not only helps us to lose weight, but also reduces associated cardiovascular and diabetes risk.

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Heart Health Benefits Of Turmeric


The primary chemical found in turmeric is called curcumin, and studies show that this polyphenol contains powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Moreover, curcumin has positive effects on insulin sensitivity, which causes a reduction in triglyceride levels in the body. Researchers believe that it may just be the anti-inflammatory and insulin sensitizing properties that make turmeric so effective in warding off cardiovascular disease and strengthening the heart.


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Superfood Beetroot For Super Heart-Health



Superfood beetroot has an active compound – ‘Betaine’, also known as trimethylglycine (TMG). Betaine plays a role in the breakdown of homocysteine in our body – a substance that is natural, but can be harmful if allowed to build up to high levels. Raised levels of homocysteine are linked to heart disease and thickening and loss of elasticity of the arterial walls (arteriosclerosis).

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22 Reasons Why Barley Tops The Heart-Healthy Grains List


Barley is a rich source of niacin, which is effective in reducing cardiovascular disease. The soluble fiber, in barley, dissolves and binds with fatty acids, which slows down the absorption of sugar, thereby lowering low-density lipoprotein (LDL or ‘bad’ cholesterol) levels. Read More to find 22 amazing health benefits of barley.

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Benefits Of Millets – Healthy Grains For Heart Care


Millet is a grain that should be included in your list of heart-healthy foods, as it is a rich source of magnesium. Magnesium has been shown to lower high blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attack. Niacin (Vitamin B3) in millet also helps lower cholesterol.

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How Many Eggs A Day Are Good For Heart Health?


Through the 70′s many associations like the American Heart Association, discouraged people from consuming eggs as the yolk contains high amounts of cholesterol. This was believed to cause heart disease, thus making white omelettes a popular dish. However recent studies have shown that cholesterol from shrimps, eggs and other animal sources had a minute effect on the body’s cholesterol levels. And in fact has healthy fats that are good for health.

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5 Best Foods To Eat For A Healthy Heart


Sadly, heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States. Every year, 1 in 4 deaths are caused by heart disease. You can prevent heart disease by exercising regularly and eating heart-healthy foods. The following five are your best choices to protect your ticking heart.

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Eating Heart Healthy After 40 [Recipes]


It is especially important to eat heart healthy after 40. For women, heart disease is the number one killer. Eating foods that are low in fat, low in salt, not fried and prepared in a healthy way is a great way to show your heart love. Here are 3 healthy recipes for eating heart healthy after 40!

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3 Juice Recipes To Help You Enjoy Heart-Healthy Pomegranate


Pomegranate juice (240 mL/day) appears to be particularly useful in improving heart health. It is remarkably rich in antioxidants, such as soluble polyphenols, tannins, and anthocyanins. Pomegranate juice also improves the lipid profiles (cholesterol) of people with diabetes. Juicing is an easy way to use pomegranates. Here are 3 heart-healthy juice recipes that use pomegranate.

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