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Tag: Yoga Poses

treatment for kyphosis

Treatment For Kyphosis: Exercises And Non-Surgical Remedies You Should Try

If you’re living with kyphosis and seeking non-surgical treatment options, exercise and physical therapy can make a big difference. Yoga asanas like the locust pose or mountain pose and supported backbends help build your core and back muscles. Supplement this with sunlight exposure. Consume vitamin D- and calcium-rich food for better bone health and lowered risk of injury from balance issues or weak bones. A back brace or shoe inserts may help those with developing bones and offer respite from pain for others.

8 Yoga Poses To Relieve Constipation

Yoga can be used very efficiently to relieve constipation. Asanas such as pavanmuktasana (wind-releasing pose), natarajasana (lying-down body twist), sarvangasana (shoulder stand), halasana (plow pose), baddha konasana (butterfly pose), mayurasana (peacock pose), and ardha matsyendrasana (half spinal twist) all have proven benefits in relieving such digestive issues. Kapalbhati or skull cleansing also works on the abdominal muscles and assists in bowel movement.
yoga asanas to control diabetes

Fight Diabetes With These Yoga Asanas

Yoga can work wonders for diabetes management, sparing you unwanted spikes and dips in sugar levels. Some asanas can even massage your insides, revving up your metabolism and kickstarting digestion. Make the bow pose, forward bends, seated half spinal and lying-down body twists part of your go-to exercise regimen. Unwind and calm yourself after a hard day or even reenergize yourself with yoga asanas. Also try yogic walking and yogic breathing for more benefits.
morning yoga poses

Best Yoga Poses For The Morning: Make Your Day With Morning Yoga

Begin your mornings with a short session of yoga to make your body supple. Yoga poses like the mountain pose and the corpse pose and yogic breathing or pranayam can clear your mind, de-cluttering it before you need to take on the day. Asanas like the cat-cow pose, the plank, the downward facing dog and knee-to-nose pose all help stretch your body, limber you up, and boost circulation. And that's besides building core strength. Even your digestion and blood pressure could benefit from the right morning yoga routine, so give these a try!

8 Simple Yoga Stretches To Heal Sore Muscles

Yoga is a great tool to help stretch different muscle groups and relax the body in preparation for, or after, a workout. Hand to feet pose helps stretch the spine while palm tree pose is good for the shoulder muscles. Upward- and downward-facing dog poses are good for stretching the entire body. The butterfly pose helps relax the pelvic muscles and the groin, while the divine dancer pose works on the quadriceps. When using yoga for stretching, remember to consciously relax each muscle group and breathe easy.

5 Yoga Poses That Help Fight Allergies

With an increase in air pollution and the use of chemicals in our immediate environment, an increasing number of people are falling prey to...

7 Yoga Poses You’ll Need Even If You’re Only Into Strength Training

If you're someone who swears by strength training with weights, you probably don't want to spend time doing yoga because, frankly speaking, yoga is...
relax and recover your calf muscles

6 Yoga Poses To Release Stiff Calf Muscles

Calf muscles are usually invisible to most people because you rarely notice them until they hurt or become too stiff. If you're someone who spends...

Recognize Your Spirit Animal For More Insight Into Your Soul

We all have our primal and animal instincts hidden deep inside of us. These animal instincts can open our paths to spiritual awakening and...

Restorative Yoga: 5 Poses To Balance Your Hormones

Stress causes hormonal imbalance; however, restorative yoga can help manage stress levels, thereby maintaining hormonal balance. Fish pose relieves tension in the neck and chest whereas legs up the wall pose improves blood circulation, reducing anxiety. Sphinx pose relieves stress in the chest and shoulders while seated forward bend pose stretches the stiff back muscles. Corpse pose is perfect for relaxation.
Yoga for thyroid

Top 8 Yoga Poses And Pranayama For Thyroid Problems

Yoga poses like shoulder stand, plow pose, fish pose, camel pose, cobra pose, bridge formation pose, shoulder-stand pose, and bow pose help balance and regulate the functioning of the thyroid gland. Ujjayi pranayama also works wonders by re-balancing metabolism and improving reflex pathways within the throat to cure thyroid imbalance.
turn your yoga session into cardio

Does Yoga Qualify As Cardio?

Yoga has taken the fitness industry by storm and there are enough studies now to prove the many physical and psychological benefits of yoga....

7 Hip-Opening Yoga Poses To Release Tension And Bring Balance

Most conventional exercises do not focus on the hip because they're aimed at developing muscles that you can see, like your shoulders, biceps, abs,...

6 Yoga Poses That Every Insomniac Must Do For Better Sleep

Life has a way of getting more and more complicated as you get older. People try to subdue the mental clutter with caffeine, nicotine,...
5 Exercises And Yoga Poses For Your Inner Thighs

5 Exercises And Yoga Poses For Your Inner Thighs

Tone your inner thighs with the clamshell exercise. It strengthens the hips and thighs and is great for the glutes. First position exercise can work the inner thighs, too. Side plank with leg lifts works both the legs at the same time. If yoga is your choice, go for poses like the bridge pose and reverse warrior pose.