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Tag: Triphala

Triphala boosts immunity, fights ulcers, and improves heart health.

10 Health Benefits Of Triphala: The All-Round Remedy You Need

Triphala has everything its ingredients amalaki, haritaki, and bibhitaki have to offer individually and then some more. It can strengthen your immunity, digestive system, and eyesight and even act as a cardiac tonic. Triphala can also help manage diabetes, UTIs, arthritis, and gout and even heal wounds or sunburn.
7 Ayurvedic Tips For Good Digestion

7 Best Tips of Ayurveda For Digestion

Stop multitasking during meals, it reduces your body's absorption power. Consume a juice of ginger, lemon and salt before meals to trigger digestive fire (Agni). Avoid cold drinks and food, they cause stomach bloating and discomfort. Lassi helps get rid of gas and cramps and Triphala boosts detoxification and improves nutrient absorption.
Triphala The Tridoshic Wonder For Your Health

Triphala: The Tridoshic Wonder For Your Health

Triphala is a combination of 3 fruits from three trees, Amalaki (Emblica Officinalis), Vibhitaki (Terminalia Bellirica), Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula) each corresponding to the three...
Triphala : A Digestive Miracle

Triphala Churna Benefits, Ingredients, Dosage, and, Side Effects

Benefits of Triphala Churna: Rich in antioxidants, calms Kapha and Pita, treats diabetes, cures skin diseases, improves taste and eye sight, treats chronic fever, relieves laziness, treats obesity. Ingredients: Amla, Haritaki and Vibhitaki. Dosage: 1 – 3 grams with honey, ghee or warm water, before food. Triphala tablets and capsules - 1 - 2 tablets once or twice a day, before food.