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4 Simple Ways To Boost Oral Health

Improper oral health is linked to health conditions like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, HIV, and respiratory diseases. Reduce the consumption of sugary foods, ice, caffeine, citrus foods, sticky foods, and alcohol since they lead to tooth decay. Chew on peppermint leaves to prevent infections and bad breath. Manage hormonal imbalances since they might cause mobile teeth, abscesses, and tooth loss. Rinse your mouth with cardamon and water to prevent tooth decay and bad breath.

5 Must-Have Spices To Stock Up On

Salt and pepper aren’t the only things that can enhance the flavor of food. There are many flavorful spices that can make ordinary dishes...

6 Natural And Effective Home Remedies For Thicker Hair

These home remedies can help you get thicker, healthier hair. They include eggs, fenugreek, coconut oil, avocado, and olive oil. These ingredients contain protein which can strengthen the hair as well as fats which can moisturize the strands. Keeping the scalp moisturized keeps it healthy and able to promote more growth. This reduces breakage as well. It also helps to eat protein-rich foods like eggs, tofu, lentils, and lean meats.

5 Benefits Of Combining Turmeric And Honey

Turmeric and honey have been used for thousands of years, individually and together as a blend, to treat various health conditions in auyrvedic medications and in other traditional medicine systems. They are loaded with different beneficial properties that can prevent and treat some cancers, improve brain functions, treat respiratory problems, and even help enhance skin health. Learn how to prepare this potent blend of turmeric and honey.

6 Immunity-Boosting Foods To Eat To Fight Off That Nasty Cold

Garlic contains allicin, a compound that has magical flu-fighting antimicrobial properties while the sesquiterpenes in ginger fight off common cold-causing rhinoviruses. Leafy greens and wild salmon boost your immunity with a healthy dose of vitamin C and vitamin D respectively. Honey, being antioxidant and antimicrobial in nature, alleviates cold symptoms while chicken soup is not just anti-inflammatory but also aides in the release of mucus secretions.

Turmeric: The One Spice Your Face Mask Needs

Turmeric isn’t just a tasty culinary spice. On the skin, its active compound curcumin destroys acne-causing bacteria. It’ll even speed up wound healing by inducing skin growth factors. If your skin is flaring up, turmeric will soothe inflammation. The antioxidant properties are also handy for warding off UV-induced photodamage and skin cancer. To make an easy mask, simply mix ¼ teaspoon turmeric with 1 tablespoon honey. Spread on the skin and wash off after 5 minutes.

10 Natural Ways To Increase Your Breast Milk

Breastfeeding can be a beautiful bonding experience between mother and child but low milk supply can cause frustration and anxiety. The only clear way to check milk supply is to track the baby's weight gain. To increase milk supply, help the baby with a good latch, nurse frequently, and express or pump milk in between feedings. Fenugreek, ginger, milk thistle and goat's rue may increase production.

21-Day Turmeric Challenge: How To Boost Your Overall Health

As an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant spice, turmeric can seriously upgrade your diet. Use it to make drinks like tea, smoothies, lattes, coffee, and lemonade. Turmeric-based sauces like hummus, mustard, and dressings can also replace bottled condiments. Toss it with rice, quinoa, eggs, or tofu. When baking veggies like kale chips or sweet potato fries, spice it up with turmeric. You’ll soon find that eating turmeric every day doesn’t have to be boring.

5 Fantastic Ways Honey Can Be Used To Revitalize Dull Hair

Hair masks with honey are the best way to restore tresses that are dry and lifeless. Hair can become dull and frizzy due to environmental factors or excessive styling procedures. Honey is a natural humectant that has the ability to seal moisture in the hair . Hair maks that combine honey with yogurt, banana, and cinnamon can do wonders for dry hair.

5 DIY Natural Lip Scrub Recipes To Treat Chapped Lips

By combining exfoliation with a boost of moisture, a lip scrub restores your lips’ suppleness while sloughing off dry skin to reveal a soft, healthy pout. All you need is coconut oil or honey (for healing and moisturizing), sugar (for exfoliation), and a drop of your favorite essential oil (such as peppermint, orange, or vanilla) to make these quick, completely natural lip scrubs, all in the comfort of your kitchen!

7 Herbs And Spices That Diabetics Should Take

Diabetes mellitus, or diabetes, refers to a group of metabolic disorders that affects your body's ability to use blood sugar. There are three main...

5 Ways A Single Spice Can Effectively Fight Cancer

Turmeric is more than a bright yellow spice. Its active compound curcumin has stellar cancer-fighting benefits, including the ability to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, two processes that damage DNA and weaken immunity. Curcumin also stops carcinogenesis, or the transformation of normal cells into cancer. Even the enzymes in charge of tumor progression are constrained, while blood supply to cancer cells are cut off. Add turmeric in smoothies, coconut milk, or in meals.

7 Natural Immunity Boosters That Will Protect Your Body

With the right foods, it’s possible to protect your immune system everyday. Start by eating turmeric and garlic to enhance immune cell function. Ashwagandha, an adaptogenic herb, protects the body from the harmful effects of stress. For powerful antioxidant properties, consume green tea and ginseng. Medicinal mushrooms like cordyceps and reishi will fight inflammation, oxidative stress, and infection, all while reducing the risk for obesity. At a healthy weight, the immune system will be able to flourish.
try turmeric for arthritis

Turmeric For Arthritis: 6 Reasons You Should Use This Natural Painkiller

Turmeric can reduce pain, joint swelling, and stiffness and improve function in those osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and gout. Curcumin in turmeric has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that inhibit inflammatory pathways in the body, lower oxidative stress, prevent cartilage damage, and aid cartilage regeneration.

Fighting Hair Loss? Fenugreek Seeds Will Save The Day

For centuries, fenugreek has been used as a traditional remedy for hair loss. On the skin, it fights dandruff and irritation, so you won't keep scratching and breaking hair. This spice even protects the skin because of its anti-aging effects. To benefit from fenugreek, make a hair mask with its seeds and water. Add peppermint essential oil to boost circulation and hair growth. For extra hydration, mix fenugreek with coconut milk.