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10 Tips For Low-Carb Restaurant Orders

You don’t have to turn down your friend’s invite to meet at a restaurant. Stay strong and follow these tips. Make sure you have a side of veggies with whatever you choose to eat. Resist the temptation to eat those complimentary breads. Avoid alcohol, soda, pasta, and heavy sauces.

Tasty Foods That Help You Reduce Stress, Anxiety, Depression

Stress can take a toll on your health, both mental and physical. But, eating the right foods (not junk!) including the ones rich in omega 3s and vitamin C can really make a positive during stressful times. Best picks include - wild salmon, guacamole with carrots, chickpeas, grapefruit, toasted walnuts, dark chocolate, kale chips, skim milk, and a relaxing cup of chamomile tea.
Vitamin B12 sources for Vegans

Top 6 Vegan Sources Of Vitamin B12 You Didn’t Know

Getting vitamin B12 through food is a major challenge for vegans as the skin of white button mushroom is the only natural source of absorbable B12. Seaweed, nori, and miso are best avoided as they contain inactive versions of B12 that hinder active B12 absorption. The other options are fortified cereals, rice, plant-based milk, and supplements, which should be taken in small doses for maximum absorption.

Iodine During Pregnancy Impacts Baby’s IQ: Study

As pregnant mothers-to-be, we often obsess over nutrition, balancing our cravings for ice cream and chocolate with more nutrient dense foods like broccoli and...

10 Alkaline Foods To Clean, Repair, And Regenerate New Cells

The foods that you eat could be acidic, alkaline or neutral, based on which the pH levels of your body keeps changing. Alkaline foods are...

11 Foods That Do Wonders For Your Brain

Walnuts, wild salmon, avocados, Chia seeds, beets, wild blueberries, Lion’s Mane mushroom, flax seeds, egg yolks, rosemary and dark chocolate are brain-boosting foods containing antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties, vitamins and minerals. Consumption of these foods improve cognitive abilities, memory power and reduce the risk of acquiring brain disorders.

9 Foods That Help Prevent And Reverse Silent Inflammation

Ditch processed and sugary foods that inflame fat cells and breed harmful gut bacteria. Spice up your food with anti-inflammatory turmeric and ginger. Munch on chia and sacha inchi seeds. Consume omega-3-rich oily fish, leafy greens, broccoli and blueberries to reverse inflammation. Add probiotic foods (pickle or yogurt) in your diet to replace inflammation causing gut bacteria.

15 Easy Warm-Up Exercises Anyone Can Do

Hold static stretches for 10-20 secs only at the end of a workout, not when your muscles are cold at the start. Don’t exhaust your core. Warm up your entire body. Mountain climbers, lateral steps, high knee pulls, crab walks, jumping jacks, shadow boxing, arm circles, butt kickers, walking – will help get your heart pumping and your blood flowing for an injury-free workout.

3 Healthy Stuffed Avocado Recipes You Should Try

Beans Mix: In a processor, mildly blend 1 cup cannellini beans, 4 basil leaves, 4 pimentos-stuffed olives, 1/4 tsp sea salt, 2 tbsp olive oil. Eggs Mix: 2 mashed boiled eggs, 1 diced green onion, 1 tbsp chopped dill, 2 tbsp olive oil, 1/4 tsp dry mustard, 1 tbsp white balsamic vinegar. Salmon Mix: 1 tin salmon, 1 tbsp sliced dill, 1 diced celery stalk, 1 sliced green onion, mayonnaise.

Super Seaweed Benefits For Superior Health And Weight Loss

Kelp, nori, kombu, wakame and arame are popular seaweeds. They are fiber-rich and packed with essential nutrients - calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, iodine; vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B6, trace amounts of B12; niacin, pantothenic acid, folic acid, omega 3 fatty acids. They reduce blood pressure and blood sugar, improve digestion, aid weight loss and boost immunity.
Half lord of the fishes pose

Ardh Matsyendrasana (Half Lord Of The Fishes Pose) – How To Do It Right

Bend left leg and place left foot on the ground over the right knee. Bend right leg and fold it with the right heel near the left buttock. Bring the right hand over left leg and grab left foot's big toe. While exhaling twist the trunk of the body as much as possible, turning neck to left shoulder and encircle the waist with the left hand with the palm facing outwards.
Arame Seaweed For Beauty Regime And Buying Tips

Arame Seaweed: Buying Tips, Beauty Regime and Diet

First wash your face with warm water and apply a cream or oil cleanser and whilst the cleanser is still fresh on your skin, take about 1 tbsp of dried Arame seaweed and pat it gently over your face and massage your face. It improves renewal of skin cells, leaving you with a fresh, bright complexion. You can also incorporate it into your daily diet.
Boost Your Nutrition With The Super Seaweed Arame

Say Yes To Super Seaweed Arame

Arame Seaweed is a superfood and contains several vitamins and minerals than your average green vegetable. It's loaded with Calcium, Iodine, Vitamin A, Iron and Lignan, which is a powerful antioxidant that helps fight off infections to prevent outbreaks of acne. Lignan also reduces breast cancer and diabetes risk.
8 Vital Tips To A Healthy Pregnancy Diet

8 Vital Tips To A Healthy Pregnancy Diet

Small, regular meals should be the norm in pregnancy. Fresh fruits and vegetables can prevent sudden highs and lows in your mood. Just like in effective fertility diets, healthy fats should be included and never avoided. Make sure you include raw salads, small wild fish and probiotics like kefir and kombucha to your diet.
Nutritional Support For Acne And Other Skin Problems

Nutritional Support For Acne And Other Skin Problems

Vitamin A promotes healthy skin cell turnover, new skin cell replication, and controlling oil glands activity. Vitamin C and Selenium have anti-oxidant properties which are linked to wrinkles. Omega-3 fatty acids reduces inflammation and reduces hyperkeratinization of the skin. Zinc improves immunity towards rashes and redness.