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Tag: Push-Ups

5 Exercises To Do When On the Go

Are you constantly on the go? Do you have a job that has you on the road most or all of the time? It...

10 Simple Exercises To Help Relieve Menstrual Cramps

It's that time of the month and you feel miserable! But you also don't want to skip out on your fitness training, so what...
how to reduce breast size naturally

How To Reduce Your Breast Size Naturally

Reducing your breast size naturally without any surgery is easier said than done. However, if your large breast size is due to inflammation, swelling, or excess weight, you can use alternative remedies to heal your body or tone up and reduce their size. For large breasts linked to being overweight, aim at an overall workout and fitness regimen with some special chest exercises and yoga asanas thrown in to strengthen the muscles of your chest and back.

This 50 Push-Up Challenge Will Transform Your Body In 30 Days

Ready to start getting in shape for spring and summer? It’s never too late! So, who’s up for a challenge? I have a great push-up challenge for...

7 Tips To Help Your Baby Rollover

For a new parent, every small movement, coo, and smile of the baby is an enthralling experience. Rolling over, especially, is exciting because it...
best daily exercises

5 Best Daily Exercises You Can Do At Home

There are so many types of exercises out there. It can get pretty confusing! But like most things in life, the simplest workouts are...

Work It Out At Work!

With our busy life, workouts have taken a back seat. What if we could spare some time and get the workout while in office? Read to learn how to do that.

A No Equipment Workout Plan For 8 Weeks

Want to workout and keep fit but can't seem to stick to the gym routine? Here are some exercises that you can try at home. No fancy equipment needed.

Tips To Work Out At Home Without Using Weights

Substitute dumbbells with your body weight for free hand, muscle-focused exercises at home. Warm up and stretch before you start. Do triceps dips for arms; squats, lunges, and calf raises for legs and butt; flutter kicks and crunches for abs; and burpees, wall squats, planks, and innovative push-up variations for a full-body workout. Do 3 sets of each exercise 5 days a week.

Easy Tips To Get Fit Without Spending A Fortune

Burning fat need not burn a hole in your pocket. Fix a goal that clearly answers why you are embarking on this fitness regimen. Find a clutter-free space and try push ups, burpees, and planks and use household materials (e.g., heavy sacks) rather than expensive gym equipment. Exploit free low-cost resources like mobile apps or YouTube videos, or even neighborhood classes that offer discounts.

10 Fun Exercises to Do with Your Baby

This simple workout will help you lose weight, tone muscles and have fun with your baby! Check out awesome ab workouts to tighten your...

7 Day Full-Body Workout (Each Under 30 Minutes!)

Perform 10 min cardio, 2 circuits of each workout, and end with stretches. Day 1: 15 bridges, 15 side leg lifts, 30 sec plank. Day 2: 15 side kicks, 15 chair push ups, 15 kettlebell deadlifts. Day 3: 15 chest openers, 15 inner thigh leg lifts, 15 kettlebell deadlifts. Day 5: 20 bridges, 20 side leg lifts, 45 sec plank. Day 6: 20 side kicks, 20 chair push ups, 20 kettlebell deadlifts. Take a deserved rest on days 4 and 7.

9 Best Oblique Exercises You Can Do Without Weights

To achieve an all round strong core (and for better looking abs) you need to strengthen your oblique muscles (side abs) too. Side planks, spiderman pushups, oblique crunches, twisted knee tucks, bicycles, windshield wipers, hanging V-ups and hanging oblique knee raises will help you shape your side abs. Include one or two oblique exercises at the end of your daily workout.
12 Step Box Exercises For A Full Body Workout

12 Step Box Exercises For A Full Body Workout

Step box exercises burn fat, build muscles and improve athleticism. You can perform step ups, box jumps, push-up variations, side planks with elevated feet, box dips, burpee box jumps, split, box and power pistol squats, running toe taps, V-Sits and hip thrusts with a step box. Start with a low box and increase height as you grow fitter!
How To Get Better At Pushups - The Definitive Guide

How To Get Better At Pushups – The Definitive Guide

Don't sag your back, spread your weight over your palms, tighten your abs, glutes, and back muscles, form a plank. Progress through pushup styles: wall, incline, knee, decline, dive bomber, handstand pushups. Be regular, track and increase your reps gradually. Lose weight, and strengthen your back muscles with pull ups to avoid bad posture and muscle imbalance.