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Are You Brushing Your Teeth Right?

Are You Brushing Your Teeth Right?

Start with outer and inner surfaces of the teeth and brush at 45-degrees in short, half-tooth-wide strokes away from the gum line. Hold brush flat on chewing surfaces and brush back and forth. For inside surfaces of your front teeth, tilt the brush vertically and use gentle up-and-down strokes with the tip of the brush. Avoid rigorous brushing that wears down enamel.
Why I am Not Against Vaccinations

3 Reasons Why I Am Not Against Vaccinations

Higher frequency of travel to climatically alien locations puts children at risk of getting infected with diseases that they might be safe from locally. Knowledge and medical guidance are critical if you choose not to vaccinate. Vaccines have far less harmful chemicals than a decade back. You can postpone vaccination till your child builds up some natural immunity.
Yoga Poses for Anxiety

4 Yoga Poses To Bring Your Anxiety Levels Down

In Child's pose, broadening and contracting shoulder muscles in sync with your breathing, relieves built-up tension in body and mind. Bridge pose helps alleviate headache, backache and general fatigue. Camel pose releases stiffness and tension in the shoulders, back and chest. Standing Forward Fold pose helps relieve stress and stretch tight hamstrings.
How Important Is Milk For Toddlers?

How Important Is Milk For Toddlers?

Breastfeeding is recommended for first 6 months and to be continued for 1 to 2 years of life or longer. Breastfed children are better nourished with immunity-boosting properties than formula fed ones. Cow's milk is a great replacement for mother's milk. It is an excellent source of calcium and vit D. Avoiding cow's milk can lead to issues with bone health in later life.
10 Ayurvedic Tips For Preventing And Treating Colds In Kids

10 Home Remedies to Keep Cold Away From Kids

Use basic humidifier with Eucalyptus, lavender or frankincense oils in kids’ bedroom to keep upper respiratory tract moist and clear. Ensure adequate sleep, put saline water drops in their nostrils and use Anu Thailam ear drops. Add nutmeg, cinnamon, cumin, ginger in foods. Eat warm, moist food and listen to grounding music during bedtime to boost immunity.

5 Amazing Health Benefits Of Probiotics While Breastfeeding

Probiotics increase the immuno-protective potential of breast milk helping fight Atopic Eczema and enable the infant's digestive system to mature faster, improve bowel movements and prevent constipation. They regulate good bacteria helping fight fungal infections like thrush. A healthy brain-gut connection helps prevent Autism, ADHD and mood disorders in kids.
What Are The Risk Factors That Cause Growth Retardation?

Is Your Baby At Risk Of Growth Retardation?

Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is a condition where the fetus is smaller than expected for the number of weeks of pregnancy. Smoking, alcohol consumption, low weight gain during pregnancy, anemia, previous preterm delivery or abortion can increase IUGR risk. IUGR can lead to memory and learning deficiencies and metabolic syndrome.
7 Ways To Live In The Present Moment

7 Ways To Live In The Present Moment

Watch a child play and recreate as you learn to enjoy the moment from them, listen to your favorite music and sing along concentrating on the harmony. Engage in meaningful conversations with loved ones, practice yoga concentrating on your breath. Put the past behind you, enjoy nature and engage yourself with food, bless it and enjoy it.
Amazing Beetroot Smoothie To Lower High Blood Pressure

Amazing Beetroot Smoothie To Lower High Blood Pressure

Beetroots consist of 87% water, 8% carbs, 3% fiber, folate, manganese, potassium, iron, vit C, betanin, inorganic nitrate, vulgaxanthin and less than 60 cals. Smoothie recipe: Combine 1½ cup pineapple chunks, ½ cup sliced cooked beets, ¼ cup celery leaves, 1 cup vanilla almond milk and ½ cup fresh orange juice in a blender and puree until smooth. Serve chilled.

5 Natural Ways To Boost Your Kid’s Immunity This Winter

Probiotics help keep gut balanced with healthy flora, which strengthens your kid's immune system. Vitamin D increases immune function by a factor of 3-5, and is better than vaccine. Move your kid to a whole foods diet. Other ways to keep your kid's immune system healthy are by using essential oils, limiting screen time and reducing use of chemicals at home.

Ideal Diet To Enhance Nourishing Power Of Breast Milk

Omega 3 rich diet (supplements or foods) enriches quality of breast milk, improving cognitive functions and protecting baby from infections. Milk from overweight mothers (pre-pregnancy BMI more than 25) has lower beneficial bacteria and higher numbers of potentially pathogenic bacterial strains, which can leave the baby more exposed to infections.

Healthy Eating Habits To Prevent Childhood Obesity

Don’t tell kids what to eat but be a good example and give them options to make right decisions. Stock up on Healthy Whole Foods, eliminating room for snacking on junk. Treat fruits as a meal and make veggies taste better. Let kids cook with you and cook healthy, they'll be excited to try out the food. Indulge in physical activity that you love and be a positive influence.
Awaken Your Senses Every Morning The Ayurveda Way

Awaken Your Senses Every Morning The Ayurveda Way

According to Ayurveda, Triphala taken the night before can assist in everyday metabolism. Splashing face and eyes with cool water, brushing with herbal toothpastes, using copper tongue cleaners, practicing Yoga or Pranayama and massaging self with warm sesame oil before a bath are beneficial morning routines.

Yoga For Kids: Manage Obesity And Improve Concentration

Yoga triggers kids to move, stay healthy and tackle obesity. It helps them control stress, stay relaxed and have a better approach to real life problems. Controlling breathing is a way in which they learn how to focus. It helps them improve their attention span. It helps children to stay relaxed, calm and patient through tough days.

Sensible Tips To Avoid A Heat Stroke This Summer

The excessive summer heat can have fatal consequences. Always wear sunscreen and sun reflective clothing while outdoors. Hydration is key. Drink 3-4 liters daily. Eat smaller meals more frequently throughout to keep up energy levels. Avoid protein. Ensure the safety of kids in cars. The inside of a car gets twice as hot and is unsafe for both young and old.