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5 Crucial Things For New Moms That Doctors Don’t Mention

Your doctor is your direct source of reliable information about your pregnancy and well-being. He keeps you updated on how your baby is doing...

7 Natural Ways To Build Healthy Bones

It's very important to start focusing on your bone health from a young age. Your bone-building process starts when you're in your mother's womb...
supplements you need if you are a vegan

7 Supplements You Need To Have If You Are Vegan

In recent times, healthy eating and various diet practices have gained a lot of recognition, the most popular amongst them being veganism. Researchers have found that vegans most likely need to take supplements of vitamin B12, D, iron, calcium, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, and even iodine to maintain optimal health. However, supplements should be taken in accordance with a doctor's prescription.

Simple And Natural Home Remedies For Dry Eyes Syndrome

Dry eye syndrome is a common condition that affects many people worldwide. Those who spend long hours in front of a laptop, computer or...

5 Reasons Why You Should Eat Fish Heads

Eating fish head will add more meat and flavor to your meals. It’s a great source of protein that’s healthier than red meat. Fish heads are also full of omega-3, a nutrient that will keep your brain and heart healthy. Plus, you’ll get a healthy dose of the powerful antioxidant vitamin A. It’ll protect your immune system and eye health. Eating fish even helps the environment, because processing facilities will have fewer scraps to toss.
How To Improve Your Memory

6 Tips On How To Improve Your Memory Naturally

Getting enough sleep will let your brain process new information and build memories. It’ll also protect the hippocampus, the part of the brain that regulates memory. Stress management is important because stress hormones can shrink the hippocampus. So if you want to regenerate new brain cells, stay mentally active and do creative activities. You’ll relieve stress while strengthening the brain. Eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon and tuna, will also improve brain function and memory.
How To Improve Your Memory

5 Tips On How To Improve Your Memory Naturally

Getting enough sleep will let your brain process new information and build memories. It’ll also protect the hippocampus, the part of the brain that regulates memory. Stress management is important because stress hormones can shrink the hippocampus. So if you want to regenerate new brain cells, stay mentally active and do creative activities. You’ll relieve stress while strengthening the brain. Eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon and tuna, will also improve brain function and memory.

What Is The Healthy Ratio Of Omega-3 To Omega-6?

Omega-3 fats are constantly in the news, and by now almost everyone has at least some awareness of the health benefits these fatty acids...

Which Supplements Are Right For You?

Wondering what are the supplements that your body needs? Here are few supplements that will revamp your health to perform your daily tasks fully!

Anti-inflammatory Foods That Ease Chronic Pain

Chronic pain can wreck lives affecting career and relationships. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, tryptophan, and antioxidants are effective alternative treatments as their elements are natural pain-relievers and anti-inflammatory agents. Best picks include - garlic, ginger, walnut, flaxseeds, seafood, spinach, eggs, tofu, whole grains, green tea, cherries, oats.
Benefits of fish oil

Benefits Of Fish Oil: Reasons Why You Need Omega-3

Fish oil's benefits are due to its omega-3 fats that lower triglycerides and the bad cholesterol, reduce anxiety and prevent Alzheimer's, and lower cancer risk of the breast, colon, and prostate. They can also replace the anti-inflammatory drugs used to treat arthritis. If you're diabetic or on blood-thinners, avoid fish oil. If you are not, take it with antioxidants in a dose not more than 3 g a day unless so advised by your doctor.

Causes And Treatment For Breast Pain During Pregnancy

Experiencing breast pain during pregnancy can be due to many reasons. Right from hormones, medications, trauma, omega 3 fatty acid deficiency, soft tissue injury to breast engorgement, infection, and cysts, there are many causes. Treatment for Mastalgia involves addressing the root of the problem, while taking into consideration what is safe to do during pregnancy. Read more to know about the causes and treatments for breast pain during pregnancy.

4 Benefits Of Omega-3 Critical For Overall Health

Omega-3 acids keep your heart healthy by preventing buildup of arterial plaque and irregular heartbeats, lowering blood pressure, and reducing triglycerides. It also reduces inflammation that can cause arthritis, sciatica, and joint pain. DHA, a Omega 3 acid, helps reestablish neural networks in the brain. A diet of Omega 3-rich oily fish, walnuts, and flaxseeds reduces risk of colon cancer.

Are Organic Eggs More Nutritious Than Non-Organic Ones?

Are Organic Eggs More Nutritious Than Non-Organic Ones?
Good Fats And Bad Fats

Know About Your Good Fats And Bad Fats

Good fats are found in seafood, nuts, flax seed, monounsaturated fats like olive oil, saturated fats like coconut oil. They contain two vital fatty acids - Omega 3 and Omega 6, our body can’t make. Bad fats found in vegetable, sunflower, sesame seed oil - are too high on Omega 6. Poor fatty acid ratio can cause inflammation and damage immune system. Use in moderation.