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7 Yoga Asanas And Pranayama Exercises To Stop Hair Loss

To naturally stop hair loss, do yoga and breathing exercises. It’ll enhance circulation and blood flow to your head. Standard asanas include downward-facing dog, big toe pose, seated forward bend, and camel pose. Even corpse pose will relieve stress, a major cause of hair loss. Simple abdominal breathing can also get the blood flowing. To take it up a notch, try alternate nostril breathing for better circulation.
symptoms of dehydration in dogs

8 Signs Of Dehydration In Dogs You Should Know

Early signs of dehydration include sunken eyes, looking lethargic, moving around slowly, dry nose, and excessive panting. Any change in behavior is also a red flag. If not treated, dehydration becomes more severe, resulting in weak hind legs and unable to stand on their own feet.

5 Breathing Techniques To Help You Relax Quickly

Your lungs can do more than just providing oxygen to your body. They promote deep relaxation when you are stressed, upset, or anxious, given, you practice different breathing exercises. Exercises like equal breathing, alternate nostril breathing, morning breathing, abdominal breathing, and progressive relaxation help achieve this.
Which Is Better: Breathing From Your Mouth Or Nose?

Which Is Better: Breathing From Your Mouth Or Nose?

It’s healthier to breathe through your nose. Mouth breathing can dry out your mouth, leading to chapped lips and burning sensations. Dryness also increases the risk of bad breath and problems like gingivitis, oral thrush, and cavities. Even your jaw muscles will become tense, making it hard to chew and swallow food. Many mouth breathers complain of sleep apnea. In children, the habit can disrupt normal development of facial muscles.

7 Ways To Stop Mouth Breathing In Your Sleep

Mouth breathing is often caused by nasal congestion. You can clear it up with natural remedies like peppermint oil, eucalyptus, or steam treatment. Even a hot shower can do the trick! A sinus massage will feel great, especially if you have a headache or tension. Extra pillows will also elevate your head and promote better breathing. If your jaw muscles are weak, strengthen them with mouth exercises. The alternate nostril breathing technique will also improve your breathing.

Causes Of Sleeping With Mouth Open

Getting a sound sleep during the night is essential to one's physical and mental well-being. But, breathing with your mouth open could hamper your...

3 Breathing Exercises That Are Great For Calming Your Mind

For deep breathing, breathe in slowly and deeply for 5-6 s, hold your breath for a few seconds, and exhale slowly from the mouth for 6-7 s. Repeat this 10-20 times. For alternate nostril breathing, block your right nostril with your thumb and breathe in through the left. Alternate and continue this for a while. For three-part breathing, place your hands on your abdomen, inhale to expand it, and breathe out. Repeat the process with your ribs and upper chest.
side effects of corticosteroids

What Are The Side Effects Of Corticosteroids?

Steroids have quite the reputation when it comes to side effects. Corticosteroids can cause indigestion and stomach pain, or even raise your blood sugar levels and your appetite. For some, it can even bring on mood changes and depression. For others, side effects like nosebleeds, headaches, or weight gain can make taking these medicines problematic. Find out what the differences are between side effects from topical steroid use, steroid tablets, steroid injections, steroid inhalers, and steroid nasal sprays.

8 Causes Of Voice Change During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an amazing journey. Changes in your body, mood swings, change in your attitude, shoe size (really!!) are notable things. Until the time of...

All About Your Kid’s Runny Nose

Children and colds seem to go hand in hand. It's not easy to protect your child from catching a common cold at least once...
causes of pimples inside the nose

Pimples Inside The Nose: Causes, Care, And Treatment

Tackling pimples and acne on your skin are bad enough, without having the added problem of boils and bumps inside your nose! If you do find a pimple inside your nose, dealing with it correctly can help prevent infection or further complications like cellulitis or cavernous sinus thrombosis. Simple care and hygiene make all the difference, supplemented by topical treatments and warm compresses to ease the discomfort. Be prepared to take antibiotics if you have a bad case that is a furuncle or a carbuncle.
What Your Acne Is Trying to Tell You About Your Health

What Your Acne Is Trying to Tell You About Your Health

Chin acne is caused by hormonal imbalances like polycystic ovary syndrome, thyroid problems, stress, and menstruation. Hormonal acne may also show up on the jawline, but pimples here are usually from digestive issues. Fiber and probiotics can help. Breakouts on the nose and T-zone point to liver problems, while forehead acne means poor kidney function. Avoiding dehydration will fix this. Poor lung health may cause cheek acne. If breakouts are on the lower cheeks, mouth and gum problems are likely.

10 Lesser Known Earliest Signs Of Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful journey. Getting to know about it is an immemorable moment. After you have missed a period, you will have to...

Awaken Your Sacral Chakra To Attract Love And Abundance

Our body is a latticework of energies. When our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energies flow freely throughout our chakras, we follow our life...

7 Parts Of Your Face That Can Explain Your Health

They say the 'face is the index of the mind'. So besides being what gives away how you're feeling inside (even when you're doing...