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Clear Nasal Congestion And Blocked Sinuses Using Your Fingers

Allergy and flu seasons come with nasal congestion and heaviness in the head. It is very difficult to breathe when that happens. This congestion...

Should You Run When You’re Sick?

Runners are determined folk. They run. And they run. And then they run some more. Come hail, rain or sunshine. But what about times...
The raspy voice after jogging could be due to some medical problem

4 Reasons Why You Have A Raspy Voice After Jogging

Jogging is a common exercise that most people around the world enjoy. In some people, jogging can cause them to develop a raspy voice or even experience constriction in the throat. Silent acid reflux can cause stomach acids to rupture the throat, especially if you jog after a heavy meal. Poor airflow through the nose can mean that you breathe more through the mouth, leading to a dry and sore throat. Exercise induced bronchoconstriction might also occur when you breathe heavily in cold air.

Simple Guide To Give Sponge Bath To Your Newborn

First-time parents would probably feel apprehensive to give a bath to their teeny tiny babies. It is quite scary and a slippery affair. A...
Stuffy nose is caused by the inflammation of blood vessels in the sinuses

5 DIY Home Remedies For A Stuffy Or Blocked Nose

Don't you just hate it when your nose is congested? You feel suffocated and something as natural as breathing becomes a challenging task. You...
causes of deviated nasal septum

Causes Of Deviated Nasal Septum

Deviated nasal septum is very common among the adult population. Some are born with it while some others get it as a result of a birthing trauma. But a good number of people, especially adults, get it from a facial injury. Since it can lead to lifelong problems like sinusitis, nosebleeds, congestion, breathing difficulty, etc, get it treated immediately.
Lemon, Pepper, Salt Home Remedies For These Ailments

Lemon, Pepper, And Salt Home Remedies For Different Ailments

You can treat a number of common ailments like common cold, a stuffy nose, a nosebleed, a sore throat, asthma, nausea, weight loss, a toothache, canker sores, and gallstones with just lemon, pepper, and salt. Tea made from freshly squeezed lemon juice and pulp in a cup of boiled water can get rid of a nasty cold.

6 Aging-Related Things We Don’t Really Talk About

Growing old has a lot of charm and challenges associated with it. The changes that appear physically often remind us that we are getting aged which can be distressful sometimes. These changes include an increase in facial hair, loss of skin elasticity and hair. Loss of collagen in the skin and tissues of ears and nose even causes them to droop with age.
How To Tell If Your Dog Is Stressed

13 Tell-Tale Signs That Your Pooch Is Stressed Out

Dogs are expressive beings. From the crazy wagging of their whole body along with the tail at the sight of you, to the guilty...

5 Weird Pregnancy Facts

Pregnancy causes many changes in a woman's body and mind. The expecting mother's body is completely transformed and there are many mental changes she...

How Can Dinacharya (Daily Routine) Be Beneficial For You

Dinacharya is the daily routine ritual that you can do which is a form of ayurvedic wellness method that can make your life that much more productive and easy as well as enjoyable at the same time. It is vital to stick to a routine since this form of an ayurvedic lifestyle and is very simple but takes effort tot perfect. It is the method in which we perform this routine is the problem and can lead to people failing in it. It helps in emotional, physical as well as psychological factors of the mind and can solve your tensions and grievances in life. Follow the steps that can help you to perfect this method of life.

Snoring: Its Causes, Symptoms, And Remedies

As novelist Anthony Burgess observed, "Laugh and the world laughs with you; snore and you sleep alone." As annoying as it can get, you...

15 Possible Causes Of Excessive Saliva Production

The accumulation of excess saliva in your mouth can be uncomfortable and even distressing. A host of conditions can cause this problem – mononucleosis, strep throat, tonsillitis, peritonsillar abscess, and gastroesophageal reflux disease are a few. Excessive salivation is also common if you have nausea, are pregnant, or are on certain medicines. Swollen adenoids, exposure to toxins, and certain nervous system disorders can be triggers as well.
natural ways to stop snoring

How To Stop Snoring Naturally: 5 Effective Ways That Work

Sleeping on your side, losing excess weight, and avoiding alcohol and smoking can help if you are snoring regularly. Anti-snoring devices like nasal strips, chin strips, and mandibular advancement devices can also reduce snoring by allowing you to breathe properly through your nose. Natural remedies such as yogurt, turmeric, and pineapple, as well as saline nasal washes and peppermint steam inhalations, can come in handy if a stuffy nose is making you snore.

Apple Cider Vinegar- A Natural Remedy For Sinus

Apple cider vinegar is a magic potion with multitudinous health and skin benefits. This thousand-year-old concoction can cure, heal and restore good health. The...