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How To Stop Throwing Up Naturally

Sip on a cup of ginger tea, made with 1/2t-1t of freshly grated ginger steeped in warm water or mix 1t turmeric in 1/2c warm water and gulp it down. Chomp down some cumin seeds with a pinch of common salt, lime juice. You can also sniff peppermint or lemon essential oil for similar relief. Try ayurvedic remedies like cinnamon or cumin tea and haritaki churna.

Are You At Risk For Hypotension? Symptoms And Risk Factors

Hypotension is blood pressure (BP) below 90/60 mmHG. Usually, low BP alone is not unhealthy, and some people may have it all the time. But it becomes a cause of worry if it makes blood flow to the brain and vital organs inadequate and manifests as clammy skin, blurry vision, dizziness, or is linked to a health condition like heart disease. Its most severe and fatal form is shock, where the patient can even get a stroke or heart attack.

Tips For Pregnant Women In The First Trimester

Incorporate more of protein-rich foods and healthy fats (think avocado, olive oil, coconut oil!) in your diet to help relieve morning sickness, nausea naturally. Another tip-off could be to eat little and often and meditate, walk for at least 30-40 mins a day. Other foods/supplements that you need to focus on include fish oils, probiotics, sea salt, organ meat such as liver.

What Are The Obvious Signs That Your Liver Is Failing?

Abdominal pain, unexplained exhaustion, weakness, nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and red spidery skin from visible blood vessels are warning signs of liver disease. Hepatitis B or C, excessive alcoholism, or certain diseases (Wilson's) can impact liver function. A complete blood count, CT scan, ulstrasound, liver function test, or even a liver biopsy can help diagnose and treat it early.

Second Trimester Symptoms

The span from week 13 to week 27 of pregnancy is called the "honeymoon period" for good reason: Typically, nausea subsides, emotions even out...

If You Had A Heart Attack, Would You Know?

Most people overlook heart attack warning signs and are too late when they decide to seek medical attention. Know your body and be prompt in responding to symptoms such as chest discomfort, shortness of breath, upper body pain, cold sweats, nausea, and light-headedness. Get yourself to a medical facility within half an hour of experiencing these symptoms.
Acupressure Techniques

Can Acupressure Techniques Go Where Medicines Cannot?

Acupressure stimulates the body to cure itself by restoring imbalance in a person’s energy, Qi. Acupressure is a holistic and medicine-free approach that is effective in treating problems like asthma, fatigue, chronic lower back pain, stress, nausea and eye problems. It can be safely used to supplement conventional treatments. Pregnant women should avoid it.

4 Simple Yoga Poses For Nausea That Offer Instant Relief

It's safer to do yoga for nausea than take pills, right? Try virasana. Kneel down and make your hips touch the ground and the heels touch the sides of your hips. Raise your arms above your head and breathe. You can do reclining virasana too. To perform baddha konasana, sit down, bring your feet in front, and make the soles join. Breathe for several minutes. Try viparita karani by lying on the ground and putting your legs up a wall.

6 Instant Natural Remedies To Overcome Nausea

Every time you get that sick nauseating feeling don't rush for the medicines. Instead dig into your herb store to get instant relief from...