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Tips To Alleviate The Dangerous Effects Of Stress

Practice relaxation techniques such as meditation, rhythmic exercise, full body massage, or soaking in a spa or hot tub to help relieve the muscle tension and boost your energy, mood. Surround yourself with positive people and be sure to create "family time" in the calendar as a priority. Eat healthy balanced meals and get enough sleep to allow your body to unwind, replenish.

10 Music Genres That Can Make Your Mood

When you're feeling low, sometimes all it takes is a great song to cheer things up. And then there are times when you want...

15 Most Inspirational Harry Potter Quotes

Many studies state that everyone should have read the Harry Potter series at least once in their lifetime as they have the ability to...

Loud Noises You Are Exposed To Every Day

We are exposed to loud noises every day. And if you live in a big city, there is no escaping noise pollution. Living in...

7 Things That Help Boost Your Toddler’s Intelligence

The first 3 years of your little one’s life is a critical phase for its brain development. A baby is born with abundant nerve...
Baby Playing music: 9 Benefits Of Music For Babies

9 Benefits Of Music For Babies

Music is a versatile form of art that is present throughout the world. You can express yourself without conforming to any norms. Everyone is born...

Garbha Sanskar Practices Which Make Your Baby Intelligent

Practicing Garbha Sanskar dates back to Vedic times. It signifies the importance and the ways to have a healthy, happy, and intelligent baby right...

Autism: Early Signs And Complementary Therapies

While the signs and symptoms of autism vary widely from person to person, few core telltale signs are difficulty in interacting socially with others or peers of same age, weak verbal/non verbal communication skills, and stereotyped or repetitive behaviors. Seeking art, music or swim therapy may greatly help your child learn, grow, and thrive.

10 Easy Ways To Increase Dopamine Levels In The Brain

Do you know that human brain has as many as 86 billion neurons? These neurons communicate with each other through brain chemicals called neurotransmitters....

Can Music Therapy Help People With Dementia?

Music therapy is a non-invasive and safe way to treat dementia. It activates the hippocampus which stores long-term memory, the amygdala which is responsible for emotions, and the cerebellum which is responsible for balance and equilibrium. It also promotes the release of neurotransmitters that improve mood and promote socialization while relieving pain.

Can Music Therapy Help Children With Emotional Problems?

Music therapy is a clinical intervention by a trained professional that can support the emotional, psychological, cognitive, social, and communicative needs of people. It especially works for children because it’s non-threatening and playful, promotes trust, and doesn’t need verbal skills. In the brain, music can bypass the parts involved in planning and language and go right to the limbic system which is associated with emotions. It is also thought to stimulate the functioning of the right-brain which is involved with feelings, particularly sadness. Music therapy can help children manage difficult emotions, communicate better, and improve behavioral and social problems.

Benefits Of Music Therapy In Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder

For children struggling with autism spectrum disorder or other forms of learning disabilities, music therapy shows promise. Studies reveal its ability to heal and support skill building in children and teens along with an improvement in social skills, attention span, and communication.

Is It Too Late To Learn A Musical Instrument?

Never say never. Learning how to play a musical instrument as an adult is so much more rewarding and unforced compared to learning as a kid.

30 Ways To Relax Your Mind And Nourish Your Soul

Practice meditation; focus on your feelings, identify the negative ones, and let them go. Play with the pets, go for a walk, and observe nature to clear your mind. Do some gratitude list making and be thankful for what all you have. Take a bubble bath, paint nails or if you are agitated, shadow box. Retire to a quiet nook to knit, listen to calming music, or solve a crossword.

Music, Vibration And The Human Connection

Sound waves of different frequencies create a different, often beautiful pattern. A community that engages with sound: music, singing, or drumming together, comes together on a cellular level. Their minds resonate in a similar way which is unique to that community, to their music and songs. Physical movements associated with production and hearing of music supports brain healing.