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Natural Ways For Men To Maintain Ideal Testosterone Levels

Natural Ways For Men To Maintain Ideal Testosterone Levels

Boost testosterone levels by doing weight training regularly, taking natural supplements like ashwaghanda, taking adequate rest, eating zinc and magnesium rich foods like spinach and chard and reducing sugar and alcohol. Consuming organic fats from oily fish, peanuts and avocados and skin exposure to early morning sun helps in boosting testosterone levels.
Dangerous Foods: Should You Give Up Processed Meats?

Dangerous Foods: Should You Give Up Processed Meats?

Processed meats do more harm than good to the body. They contain an abundance of preservatives, toxins and elements that have been linked to cancer risk. They also contain nitrites to preserve and color the meat, a compound that can cause cancer. Charring and grilling of meats develops heterocyclic amines, which are again cancer causing compounds.
The Important Keys to Successfully Quit Smoking with Diabetes

Important Tips To Quit Smoking If You Are Diabetic

Stabilizing your blood sugar with right foods and exercise will help mitigate nicotine cravings and curb hunger cravings. Healthy foods such as veggies, fruits and dairy products have been shown, via research, to make cigarettes taste terrible. Moving your body is key to creating insulin sensitivity, exercise regularly to improve blood sugar levels.
Food Combinations To Avoid

7 Food Combinations That You Should Avoid

Improper food combination is one of the primary factors causing gas, flatulence, heartburn and upset stomach. It is best to avoid combining fish and milk, different kinds of proteins, milk and any other food, fruits and any other food, freshly cooked and stored or reprocessed food, and cold water with meals.
Why Processed Meat Is Too Toxic For Human Consumption?

Why Processed Meat Is Too Toxic For Human Consumption?

Processed meats are usually contain sodium nitrite, which results in the formation of cancer-causing nitrosamines in the body. Studies say, processed meats increase the risk of pancreatic cancer by 67% and colorectal cancer by 21%. It also contains huge amounts of MSG, which is bad for the heart.

Beef Up Your Iron Intake

Teen girls’ iron requirements increase during adolescence due to the growth spurt and the onset of menstruation, while woman’s iron needs are even greater during pregnancy, if they have recently been given blood or used an intra-uterine device. Iron rich food includes lean beef, fish and poultry. Consume Vitamin C rich foods to improve iron absorption.

Food for Brain: Sharpen Mind And Live Longer

Brain Foods: Eggs, Leafy green vegetables, lean beef, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, dark chocolate, salmon, ground cinnamon and dried oregano, walnuts, whole grains and yogurt. Add plenty of water since proper hydration help brain function. Avoid fried foods and include Omega 3 rich foods, essential for cognitive processing.
Pro Cancer Condition And Traditional Chinese Medicine

Pro Cancer Condition And Traditional Chinese Medicine

TCM believes that our body’s strongest defense is from free flowing Qi (energy) within and among five important organs: heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney. To prevent a "pro cancer body" try Chinese food therapy: lung energy deficiency - spring rice and wild yam; spleen organ weakness - dry ginger and tangerine peel; Liver organ imbalance - mushroom date soup.
Should We Remove Chicken Skin Before Eating

Should We Remove Chicken Skin Before Eating?

Chicken skin by itself, really isn't that bad. It actually acts kind of like a latex glove- that holds all the juices and fat...
5 Foods To Eat For Healthier And Stronger Teeth

5 Foods To Eat For Healthier And Stronger Teeth

Sometimes expensive treatments from the dentist aren’t always necessary to strengthen and protect your teeth. Eating balanced diet can be an equally powerful solution...
10 Foods To Break Up With Now.

10 Foods To Break Up With Now.

Breaking up is hard to do..but saying goodbye to love handles is easy once you have the low-down. There are certain foods and drinks...
Heart Healthy Greek Diet For Weight Loss

Heart Healthy Greek Diet For Weight Loss

You may have heard of the popular Mediterranean diet, you may even be following it. But did you know that it was actually drawn...
Kaniwa The Long Forgotten Royal Food

Kaniwa: The Long Forgotten Royal Food

Kaniwa, also known as Qaniwa, Qanawa or Qanawi, is about 1/3rd the size of the popular quinoa. It is often considered as a weedy...
Red Meat: Healthy or Harmful?

Red Meat: Healthy or Harmful?

There are a lot of controversial topics in nutrition … should we eat 3 meals per day with no snacks, or snack periodically? Are...
Role of Meat & Sanitation in Contracting Tapeworms

Role of Meat & Sanitation in Contracting Tapeworms.

Tapeworms are intestinal parasites that are flat, segmented worms that live in a person's digestive tract. They usually live in the intestines of some...